iOS vs Android for Gaming: Which is Best?

iOS vs Android for Gaming: Which is Best?


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In recent years the gaming industry has exploded, raking in millions in revenue to developers and topping the list as the favourite form of entertainment for people around the world, surpassing even the film and music industries.

Gaming is now pervasive. From the living room to our pockets; games have become an unstoppable force that impinge on our cultural and technological efforts, driving tech developers to find ever better ways to provide an immersive gaming experience on every platform at our disposal.

Mobile gaming has emerged as a particularly powerful contender, eclipsing even established platforms like game consoles. For mobile gamers, the way to go is either iOS or Android. In this article we take a look at how both systems match up against each other in three of the most popular gaming genres.

1. Platform/Arcade games

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(Image credit:

Platformer and arcade games are two of the most popular genres of games on the app market due to possibility of enjoying the apps both online or offline. Image credit: Temple Run 2/Imangi Studios LLC Popular games like Candy Crush, Temple Run and Angry Birds have turn millions of casual users around the world into obsessed gamers that seem to have their thumbs surgically attached to their mobile screens.

There isn’t any lack of platform/arcade games on either the App Store or on Google Play, however the latter has gained a reputation of attracting a larger number of indie game developers who experiment with innovative and unusual concepts that will make a welcome change to heavy gamers looking to impress their friends with a hidden gem.

The App Store also has its fair share of exciting, new games but due to Android’s more open system, developers find it easier to use Google’s platform to let their imagination run wild.

Our choice: Android

2. Money/Gambling Games

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(Image credit: Double Down Casino, LLC)

Although mobile gaming in general has boomed over the past few years, one game genre in particular has stood out due to the rapid advances it has made in capturing the gaming public’s attention.

Money and gambling games promise more than just the thrill and excitement of being the player who scores the most points. These games also hold the possibility of making you a millionaire!

All the reputable online gambling operators have jumped onto the mobile gaming bandwagon, adapting their platforms to mobile devices and bringing a true-to-life casino experience in your pocket.

In order to reach as wide a fanbase as possible, these operators have developed apps for both platforms that replicate faithfully the experience of gambling online on a desktop computer or laptop.

Multi-tabling, tournaments, in-game chatting are all correct and present, giving mobile gamers – irrespective of their mobile device – a rich gambling experience that could make them rich in turn!

When it comes to selecting the ideal mobile platform to play money and gambling games the odds are stacked in your favour. Both iOS and Android make an excellent choice that will serve mobile gamblers well no matter how big or small their initial bankroll is.

Our choice: Both

3. Social Games

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(Image credit: Candy Crush/Kingsoft)

Social gaming is the new frontier of gaming as games from all genres are including some degree of integration with the most popular social networks. Users can compete head-to-head against their friends and brag about their newest high scores on their walls.

Again, picking out a definite winner between iOS and Android is difficult. Apple’s platform seems to be the favourite among American-based social networks and players who play on their iPhones or iPads tend to the the first to get updates that enhance their social media experience.

For this reason, gamers who are obsessed over the latest social gaming fads would get a better deal by investing in an iOS device that ensure they’ll get a cutting-edge social experience each time they fire up their favourite gaming apps.

Our choice: iOS


Both Apple and Android gamers have plenty to be happy about. The two mobile operating systems attract the best games on the markets, as well as the smartest developers looking to push the boundaries with games that promise better graphics, more interactive storylines and an immersive, social experience.

The two platforms can be seen as reaching a point of convergence in terms of enabling gamers to play different gaming genres, so any slight differences between them will affect the experience of only the most dedicated gamers.

Whilst Android excels in the platformer/arcade variety due to the wider selection of game apps on the market, Apple takes the title for best platform to play social games on since iOS users are generally the first to test any updates that social networks roll out on their software.


It seems like gamers on mobile devices are spoilt for choice when it comes to choosing a platform on which to spend countless hours crushing candy, running through ruined temples or flinging tiny ill-tempered birds around.

Casual gamers who are undecided whether to go Apple or Android can rest assured that either system will deliver the goods in terms of gaming. In their case, it would be a better to concentrate on finding a handset that fits their lifestyle needs in terms of price tag, processing speed, and other hardware considerations.

Serious gamers could also do a lot worse than picking one of the two systems by chance. Both will provide the thrills and excitement their after. Both gamers who prefer playing a particular genre might want to use this guide to choose the platform that works best for them.


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