Introduction To Final Fantasy XIV: The Start Of Your Adventure!

Introduction To Final Fantasy XIV: The Start Of Your Adventure!


FFXIV has been praised as one of the best MMOs out there and for good reason. The game offers wonderful graphics and a wide range of characterization options, as well as a lot of different content. You can become a Master of the Craft and Trade, decorate and plan houses, fight the gods with a group of friends or even gamble and win chocobo races! (Of course, there is no gambling with real money – you’ll have to check out online casino gaming for that!). But what do you need to know before playing FFXIV and where do you start? Read on for my introduction to Final Fantasy XIV as well as tips and tricks for getting the most out of this role play adventure game!

To start your adventurous second life, choose a character and then pick a class – sounds simple enough but as of the beginning of 2021, you’ll face a smorgasbord of 8 different races. Each race then breaks down into its own characterization features – including unique hairstyles! You don’t have to worry too much about the aesthetics though, as you’re able to change minor details of your avatar’s appearance at any point in the game. You can even change your look and race completely with the help of Fantasia, a special item that you can purchase in the game’s ‘Mogstation’ store.

After you’re done creating your awesome Adventurer, you will have to pick your starting class. You might be wondering ‘what is the easiest class to play in FF XIV’? Well, right now, you have a choice between 8 different classes. Your starting class will determine which of the three major cities you’ll start your adventure exploring. However, this initial choice of class is fairly inconsequential, as you can change levels and play in all different classes using the same character. As you progress further in the Main Story line, you will unlock new classes and jobs. Now you might ask, “what is a job”? Well, a job is basically an advanced class. These are unlocked at level 30 – but this is something for later.

Introduction to Final Fantasy XIV: New players have a sprout next to their name, which indicates that they are new to the game to other players. As you can see in the picture, the game gives you tutorial text, which is supposed to help you understand the game.

Did I mention how beginner friendly this game is? As you start your adventure, you will not only get a tutorial, but you’ll also get to join a special chat called the ‘Novice Network’. The Novice Network is made up of other players just like you, who have only just started the game, returning players who’d like a refresher on the rules, and well as mentors, who will help you go through the game. You can ask questions in this chat and the mentors will answer them. You can also ask for help with dungeons, especially at lower levels, as it can be hard to get into some dungeons.

There are also multiple side quests available that you can pick up along the way. These are great if you’re after a change from the Main Story or are in line and waiting to enter a Dungeon. 

Is FFXIV beginner friendly? Eventually you will join a special order, called the scions. They will play a big part in your adventure.

There are always things to do in this game, even the main storyline isn’t completed, as it is being continuously worked on by the developers. The community is still active and it’s also possible to make friends in this game. As a player myself, I’d say the variety of things you can do as well as the fun moments during dungeons that I had with other players are things that kept me hooked for many years. So get out there and start your adventure either on the PS4 or PC!


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