10 Best iPad Apps for Business

10 Best iPad Apps for Business


iPad for business
image by bm.iphone

The dawning of a new decade always sees the latest ‘must-have’ accessory for businesspeople the world over; the 1970’s saw Samsonite briefcases take Wall Street by storm, the 1980’s made a brick-sized cellular phones an absolute necessity for men in suits, the 1990’s saw businessmen kit out there home with a hi-tech PC for their kids to play ‘Doom’ on and at the turn of the millennium anybody who was anybody had to have one of those flick down phones that featured on The Matrix. Well, 2010 is no different and the big boys (and girls – it’s not the 70’s anymore!) must have their toys; the iPad is this generation’s ‘must-have’ accessory, yet are they really a decent addition to the businessperson’s lifestyle, or a clunky fad that doesn’t fit in your pocket and clatters in your briefcase? At iPhoneAppCafe we have toiled away comparing and compiling a list of the top 10 iPad applications that will help business users. Read on and make your own mind up!

2do-iphone-app-review1. 2DoA user-friendly task management and ‘to do’ list app that does exactly what it says on the tin.  The user-interface is clean an intuitive and the latest version now supports synchronisation with Outlook, Mac, and Toodledo. The Biggest feature of this app is push notifications. Many to-do managers in the app store are missing this feature that is top of the shopping list for many shoppers of the App store.  When making a new to-do, or editing an old one, there is the option of assigning alarms for when the item is due and/or before it’s due.  These alarms come in the form of push notifications and/or email, giving you no excuse to forget your partner’s birthday!

evernote iphone app review2. EvernoteIf you love taking notes in all different forms and shapes and need a bit help with organizing and searching your notes then this is the App for you. The beauty of Evernote lies in its simple presentation and organization of notes, images, websites, text, video, etc.  It makes great use of the iPad’s location awareness, which means that you can actually organize your notes and synchronize it with the place where they were taken.  One of the key features of Evernote is the capability to Auto-synchronize your notes to your Mac, PC, and Web.  Another handy useful feature is its ability to make the text within snapshots searchable, which, coupled with the great use of the iPad’s inbuilt voice recording, location awareness, and camera makes Evernote a fantastic App for the absent-minded!

Dropbox-iphone-app3. DropboxHave you ever wanted to be able to access all of your important documents and photos from your iPad without the need of doing any synchronization?  If the answer is a resounding ‘Yes!’ then definitely give this App a try.  There are many sync and share apps out there, however, generally speaking Dropbox is a clear favourite by many of the users that we speak with.  Apart from installing the Dropbox app on your iPhone, you need to also install the client app on your PC or MAC.  Once that is done then all that you need to do is to drag and drop any document you wish into your Dropbox folder.  It will then automatically synchronise your documents and make them available on your iPad.  No matter what format your document is in, Dropbox will be able to handle it with impressive speed. The beauty of Dropbox is the fact that it lets you view any document format (Excel, Word, pdf, PowerPoint, you name it!), so it also works as a great document viewer on your iPad.



logmein-ignition4. LogMeIn IgnitionThis App allows you to access PCs in the same way as on the LogMeIn website – but via your iPhone or iPad.  If you want an easy and reliable way to remote control all of your computers then this deserves consideration.  LogMeIn comes with an expensive price tag (£17.99) and you might be concerned as to how easy it will be to use with the small iPad screen.  Cassie did full review which you can find here on iPhoneAppCafe and in her experience after getting used to the zooming functions and the option of keeping the mouse in one place while moving the screen, it actually functions quite easily.

Keynote-Remote5. AudioNoteAudioNote is essentially an App for beating the boredom of the boardroom; when you are having a meeting the App allows you to record the conversation whilst simultaneously taking notes.  If you forget anything about the meeting, you simply click on the notes and it will play the audio of that time in the meeting, (so if you do tune out a little, you have a safety net!)  AudioNote is superior to Keynote seeing as it allows more fonts and different options for its presentation view; in Keynote the presenter is unable to read the notes whilst they are actually doing the presentation, which is fairly useless unless you happen to have a photographic memory!  For more information read the iPad interview with Paul Boag.

document-to-go iphone app review6. iWork Good things come to those who wait.  That’s what those fabulous Guinness ads tell me and I for one choose to believe everything that I hear on the television, particularly when alcohol is involved.  Seriously though, Apple spent an age in developing iWork for the iPad, honing all of the elements in order to make it perfect…and is it?  Well, pretty much.  Using iWork, you can create new documents or open other types of existing document and utilize them straight away on your iPad.  Even if you have to convert the iWork files that aren’t ‘native’, you can convert them relatively quickly.  Type away to your hearts content on Pages, or if you are a numbers bod, you can use, well, Numbers to fill charts, spreadsheets and graphs with wonderful information.  Keynote is also included for presentation purposes, although on balance, AudioNote just pips it at the post in terms of usability.

worldcard-mobile iphone app review7. ReederAh, the daily commute…a necessary evil that we all have to endure if we are to be top dog in our chosen business.  But why not make it a little more enjoyable and have something to read along the way rather than the daily rag picked up from a grotty newsstand?  Reeder will, essentially, sync any items in a Google Reader account that have been left unread or are starred, compiling a set of RSS feeds based on your Google account data.  So instead of having to read the same old boring headlines as everybody else, you are presented with articles, images and websites that are of interest to you.  If nothing else, this App will give you an interesting fact to talk about with the receptionist on the way in to the office…it’s the little things that make life worth living!

flight-track-pro8. InstapaperWe’ve all felt the pain of iPhone or iPad signal failure right in the middle of a great article, as our train goes through a tunnel or we step down the escalator into the tube, the next page going blank before our very eyes; well this is a pain that you can soon forget, seeing as you can now get the Instapaper App for your iPad.  Instapaper allows you to save and bookmark any webpage or article on your laptop, PC or iPad that you like, which then allows you to read the entire article on your iPad in offline mode.  Also, all the extra tat will have been stripped out, so that you have a clean, pure article with no ads or links to click on, with the iPad’s anti-glare screen creating the perfect backdrop for whichever articles you choose to read.
for-my-eyes-only9. KindleYou can’t beat a good book.  Becoming engrossed in a novel from start to finish is more captivating on an intellectual level than any film or TV drama and the great thing is, you can take a book anywhere!  The only problem is, that if you want to take more than one book somewhere, you start running into size and weight issues, in that you are having to lug masses of big volumes around in a bag that is set to tear at any moment.  Well, Kindle for iPad solves all of these problems.  You can currently choose from over 750,000 books in the Kindle Store, the text of which appears on you riPad, ready for you to scroll down and bookmark at any point.  You can get 1000’s of free classics or take advantage of the ‘try before you buy’ offer of a free first chapter; the dictionary and Wikipedia functions are also incredibly useful when it comes to looking up words and concepts that are unfamiliar to you.  A fantastic App that may not have the slick feel as iBooks, but offers a far greater range of books.

dragon-dictation10. Dragon DictationIf you don’t have a personal assistant to do the typing for you, (and, let’s face it, who can afford a PA at the moment?!) then give this free App a try.  Dragon dictation is an easy-to-use voice recognition application, which you can use for voice-to-text transcriptions that may be sent as SMS, Email, or pasted into any application using the clipboard. Another feature we particularly liked was being able to update twitter and Facebook status via voice instead of typing.  The general feedback on this app is mixed, like much other voice recognition software the accuracy will very much depend on how you speak and pronounce the words.  Jack did put this app to test and you can see for yourself the level of accuracy he achieved.


If you feel there is a missing app that should definitely be on this list the please let us know by commenting below.

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Ashkan bought his first iPhone in Jan 2010 and was frustrated he couldn’t find easy to use and trusted websites with good app recommendations, so he decided to launch iPhoneAppCafe! In his limited free time Ashkan enjoys playing badminton and Football (soccer).


  1. Simplenote a tag able, basic note taking app that you can sync with your PC if you download Resoph Notes onto it or onto your Mac (not sure what the app required is). Can also sync across all your iOS devices and a bucket load more. I couldn’t do without it. Did sayit was FREE!!

  2. Umm, I think the author has misunderstood Paul Boag. AudioNote isn’t “better than Keynote”, they’re apps for doing completely different things.

  3. Goodreader is a must have for business if you want to take documents on the go. Works better than any of the office docs in viewing MS Office docs and PDFs

  4. Following the recent launch of Strategy & Risk Studio, risk consulting firm Manigent have released a lite version of their unique application to allow users to download and use the product free of charge!

    Designing an organisation’s Strategy & Risk Management framework does not have to be difficult. Strategy and Risk Consultancy, Manigent, have created an innovative new way for risk and compliance practitioners to quickly develop and document their strategy and risk model: Strategy and Risk Studio for iPad.

    Key Business Benefits
    – Improve productivity
    – Reduce reliance on cumbersome spreadsheets
    – Improve the speed and accuracy of framework design
    – Rapidly iterate the design of your framework
    – Enables an innovative, engaging consultative approach

    Strategy & Risk Studio is available to download from the App store now for just $25 (USD). Strategy & Risk Studio Lite is free to download from the App Store.

    To learn more visit http://www.strategyandriskstudio.com
    Full version: http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/strategy-and-risk-studio/id512551251?mt=8
    Lite Version: http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/strategy-and-risk-studio-lite/id520079605?mt=8

  5. Two years after iPad’s release, it’s good to see iPad has become a professional device for work. For my part, I use it everyday at work. I also think iPad is an efficient professional device thanks to business applications which can be really good.

    In business app, I’d like to recommend a great one which integrated an interesting concept; saving time from your notes. This app, Beesy, generates automatically a ToDo list from a smart note taking. Also, the advantage is you can esasily send your minutes by email. I love testing new business/ productivity apps such as Evernote, Penutilmate, Omnifocus, Awesome but it’s the first time I see an app so well done. I recommend Beesy for people which often have meetings 😉

    Great post 🙂


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