What is the Future of iPad and the Tablet Market?

What is the Future of iPad and the Tablet Market?

What is the future of iPad and the tablet market?
Image courtesy of gstatic.com

With so many new tablets being released to the market, is iPad going to keep its dominance or will we have multiple players competing at the top end of the market? In my previous Q&A I posed four questions to our panel of expert bloggers about their overall verdict about the iPad and their favourite apps. In this session I am asking about their views about the iPad and tablet market as a whole. What do you think? Agree, Disagree? Please add your comments at the end of the post.

Our panel of expert bloggers

What is the future of iPad and the tablet market?

Rob LeFebvre: I think that tablets are the new netbook – small, less expensive, with a big gee-whiz factor. Unlike netbooks, however, they’re useable and functional and well designed. I’m pretty sure everyone will have a tablet of some kind in the near future, and I’m betting that a huge percentage f them will be iPads.

The iPad has single-handedly transformed the computing space. It’s so much more than a big iPod Touch, and is seriously being considered as a laptop replacement in many households. It continues to outsell and out-market share all latecomer competitors, even while they add new and more features to each successive generation, the iPad and iPad 2 have cornered the market for tablet computing.

Patrick Jordan: I think both are exceptionally bright. Like you may need to wear more than one pair of shades bright. I believe tablets are already outselling laptop/netbook computers and I think they will become the primary computing device for a majority of people in first world countries over the next few years and remain in that position for some time.

The iPad is obviously the current leader by a big margin and the tablet that all the others are trying to match, and copy even. Because of its superb hardware design, its unique and simple UI, and the power of the iOS platform (apps, developer engagement, iTunes) it’s hard to see any of its rivals overtaking it anytime soon.

Image courtesy of gstatic.com

Jonathan Norman: The future is up to Apple and those who develop for iOS. I’ve read, and I wish I had the name of the person who said it, that “there isn’t a tablet market, there’s an iPad market”. This pretty much sums up my feelings for the platform as it is today. There isn’t anything even close to competing with the iPad on every aspect. Some hit the hardware, some have great software, but no one else has really gotten both. Plus, no one can touch the App Store for iOS. I do believe we’ll see some competition down the road for the iPad, but I really see this as an iPod type market. Now and years from now, people will use iPad as a generic term for “tablet” just as they used iPod as a generic term for any MP3 player.

Michael Vallez: I think it is just the beginning and see iPad’s becoming as ubiquitous as smartphones. I think you will eventually have tablets integrate into our lives like we can not even imagine today. Almost like, futuristic stuff. The technology is on the increase so I think we are in for at least 2 to 4 years of continued increased technologies in the smartphone tablet area so it should be exciting.

What do I think of the Android or BB platform tablets?

Not much, while they will be comparable to technology as the iPad, they will not have the media to select from as is available in the iTunes app store. Also, the Apple device, or iPad is so much more intuitive for users. I would caution Apple and tell them they better continue to bring it because their competitors are.

Profiles of our panel of experts

Michael Vallez: Social Media Strategist for USIS, President and chief blogger CrazyMikesapps.com, Husband, Father, app addict with over 3,600 apps purchased and downloaded to date.

Patrick Jordan, founder and editor in chief at iPad Insight, and iPad-focused site offering in-depth iPad app reviews, iPad accessory reviews, iPad tips and tricks, and insight on all things iPad. Site URL: http://ipadinsight.com/. Twitter ID: @iPadInsightBlog

Jonathan Norman. A secondary computer education teacher and a ridiculous technology geek writer for theipadfan.com and regular attendance at iOS developer/enthusiast meetings in Charlotte, NC, due to being involved with the site.

Rob LeFebvre: Editor 148Apps.com and ThePortableGamer.com

Read iPad: What is the verdict 1 year on?  We Asked 4 Influencers.

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Ashkan bought his first iPhone in Jan 2010 and was frustrated he couldn’t find easy to use and trusted websites with good app recommendations, so he decided to launch iPhoneAppCafe! In his limited free time Ashkan enjoys playing badminton and Football (soccer).


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