UsefulAlarm, Ringtones, Radio Player and Much More: Review

UsefulAlarm, Ringtones, Radio Player and Much More: Review



Ringtones, radio players and wonderful alarms; UsefulAlarm has them all and then some. It doesn’t have anything you don’t already have anyway on your iPhone, it’s just that this is far more dynamic, pleasant to listen to and will make your iPhone sound so much better when there is an important notification.

An alarm should not be a grilling, grating noise that disturbs a pleasant sleep or dream, it should be soft, melodic and wake you gently. There is little in your day that is more important than it getting off to a good start, and hearing a screeching alarm waking you up can unsettle you for several hours starting from the moment you were rudely awoken.

But its beautiful sounding alarm is by no means its most redeeming feature. Let’s say you want to record those sounds that are made in the night. Useful Alarm has a recording device built within the app which records any sounds made while you slumber. This is most useful if you have a noisy, snoring partner in your bed every night who denies any nocturnal grunting ever goes on and insists they would never drive the pigs off home at three in the morning.

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Simply play back the recording made during the night on Useful Alarm and all the evidence will be plainly heard from the app’s databank. Recordings of total silence are not triggered so you’ll not have to listen to a recording of every minute of the night, just the audible periods which happen to be clearly marked by the sound bars.

Useful Alarm also has a local weather forecast for you so that when you wake up you know which coat to put on, how much rain is going on outside and whether or not to take some sun screen. Even when you are up and on the way to work, perhaps on the tube, on a bus or as a car passenger, you can tune in to the latest news headlines, sports updates and check the previous night’s lottery numbers too.

There are a number of other features on the app like a calendar, daily horoscope reading and a reminder alarm that tells you to do things like post that letter, collect the prescription or attend a doctor’s appointment. And there is a radio player built in to the app which gives you something to listen to while you travel in the mornings too.


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