Tuesday’s News Round Up: Arise, Sir Jobs?! Not Quite…

Tuesday’s News Round Up: Arise, Sir Jobs?! Not Quite…


Apple founder and all round geek idol Steve Jobs was apparently denied an honorary British Knighthood because he refused to speak at a political conference, according to The Telegraph; apparently the ex-Prime Minister Gordon Brown had blocked the proposal back in 2009 because Jobs had refused to speak at the Labour party’s annual conference…well, if Gordon was being bitter, he got his just deserts in the recent election!  Don’t mess with the geek!

The huge publishing company Random House has hinted that it may be joining Apple’s iBookstore, meaning that we could soon see e-books like Game of Thrones and Public Secrets in the iBookstore.

And there’s a hot rumour going round that Steve Jobs may actually be at Apple’s iPad 2 event tomorrow!  Knighthood or no knighthood, that’s pretty cool!


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