Travalarm Alarm Clock: Wakey Wakey!

Travalarm Alarm Clock: Wakey Wakey!


TravAlarm Boston iPhone App Review
A travel alarm for commuters to alert them of possible delays in the transit system, thus waking them up earlier if need be.


  • Linked to major transit authorities
  • Receives subway, rail, bus and bridge traffic
  • Complete personalization


  • According to the iTunes page:

The TravAlarm App is currently available for the following four metropolitan areas:
TravAlarm NYC – Gets updates from Metropolitan Transport Authority of New York City
TravAlarm Chicago – Gets updates from Chicago Transport Authority of Chicago
TravAlarm Boston – Gets updates from Massachusetts Bay Transport Authority of Boston
TravAlarm DC – Gets updates from Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority of Washington DC

Summary: A must have for any commuter. It’s a great app with a large amount of potential by adding more of the larger cities.

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Chrystal Mahan
Author of Easy Accounting for the Self-Employed and owner of the website Self Employed Writer, Chrystal has been working from home for over 10 years. She is currently working on her Masters of Business. Her blog, More to Life than Chocolate, shares the ups and downs of being self-employed.


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