Playing Casino Apps vs. Being At The Real Thing

Playing Casino Apps vs. Being At The Real Thing


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Whether you’re a dedicated cardsharp or someone who gets dragged to gambling dens by your mates only once enough alcohol has been consumed, one thing is for sure: we all like to inject a little fun into our lives via gambling. The thrill of the flashy glamour can be as addictive as it can be enthralling, but the question on our mind today is whether it’s better to go to a casino or just play the gambling apps on our smartphones?

Since the technological revolution of the last ten years, our every whim is becoming more and more available at the touch of a few buttons; we can experience pretty much everything vicariously via our smartphone and tablet screens, so why not experience the thrill of a casino without the hassle of going to a real one? Let’s take a look at the positive points of playing casino apps on your smartphone:


1. You can play in your pyjamas

There’s no dress code to casino apps and gambling websites, so just turn up to your bedroom in your Spiderman jammies and turn on your iPhone.


2. You can play for free

A lot of apps and websites, such as http://www.casinopå, have practice tables on which you can cut your teeth without worrying about losing the mortgage.


3. There’s no one to see you lose

This may sound a little defeatist, but if you do back that those two Kings and the dealer flips a 21, do you really want that gorgeous blonde to see you try and hold back the tears?


They are some of the good points, but how about the downsides of staying away from the real casino?


1. No free drinks

The great thing about a casino is that the house wants to keep you gambling as long as possible and if this means plying you with sandwiches and whisky sours, well so be it.


2. Learning tips from seasoned gamblers

Reading them on a blog on a separate device just isn’t the same.


3. There’s no one to see you win

“Yes! Jackpot!! Now, where’s that gorgeous blonde, I want to buy her a – oh.”


I hope this helps you to make up your mind as to whether you’re going out or staying in tonight. If the gorgeous blonde factor is swaying you either way, let me throw in a potential curveball: Tinder.


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