Organizing Your Taxes: The Best Tax Apps You Need in Your Life

Organizing Your Taxes: The Best Tax Apps You Need in Your Life


Did you know that about 37% of Americans use tax software to do their taxes? That’s about the same number of people who go to an accountant.

The majority of digital tax preparation solutions have downloadable apps that help you file returns on your smartphone.

Given that tax season is one of the most overwhelming, annoying, stressful, and confusing tasks, having a mobile tax preparation app to simplify everything is a huge relief. Who wants to go through boxes of receipts and spend hours filling forms?

In this article, you’ll learn about five of the best tax apps in the market at the moment.

TurboTax Mobile App

TurboTax is one of the most widely used tax preparation services today, thanks to its speedy process. It takes less than 10 minutes to file your returns on the go. This app is ideal for individuals and self-employed freelancers, acting as a tax calculator and complete tax guru all in one simple, yet thorough piece of software.

To file returns, the app requires you to upload pictures of your tax forms. What if you have any further questions on how to do your taxes? The app gives you access to a tax professional.

The TurboTax mobile app is free to download for people with iPhone and Android devices. And the actual filing of your returns starts at $39.99.

QuickBooks Self-Employed App

Just like its name suggests, this app is meant for small business owners and freelancers who usually have varied sources of income. With multiple clients and a variety of business expenses, filing your tax returns can get quite complicated.

But with this mobile tax prep app, you only need to take a picture of your business receipts and export the tax deductions when the year ends. While the app is free for Android and iPhone, using the QuickBooks Self-Employed online software costs $5 monthly.

TaxSlayer App

How do you go about knowing your tax refund? Thanks to TaxSlayer, the process is a breeze. By using your paycheck, the app allows you to estimate your tax refund.

You can also create a W2 form and use it for the same purpose. The TaxSlayer app also allows you to find out how your tax refund is affected by any changes in tax laws, as well as the status of the refund.

Besides helping you with your tax refund, the app provides a video that provides useful tax filing guidance and insights.

Credit Karma Tax

Who doesn’t want to keep an eye on their credit profile? Thanks to Credit Karma Tax, doing so easily from your mobile phone.

The app lets you file your federal and state taxes at no cost regardless of your financial situation. You only need to upload your W2 form to begin.

With this app, you can track your credits, deductions, and refunds easily in a customized checklist.

Final Thoughts on the Best Tax Apps

Who says you need to own a computer or sit at one to do your taxes? With the best tax apps available today, you can file your returns from your iPad, iPhone, or Android device. The process is simple, quick, and convenient.

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