Most Common Things Brides Forget for Their Weddings, Here are a Few...

Most Common Things Brides Forget for Their Weddings, Here are a Few Apps to Help Stay on Track


Planning for your own wedding is one of the most stressful things to do so you have to carefully prepare yourself for it. No matter how big or small the event is, it can be overwhelming.

Here are some of the things brides forget for their weddings. I hope this will help you to remember them.

Keep track of the weather

You may be so focused on the design of your venue that you forgot to think about the weather for that day. It is important that you are aware of the weather for the day and create plan B if the weather turns out to be less than ideal.

The ideal app to keep track of the weather is AccuWeather. See the forecast minute by minute or for two weeks ahead. Predict the unpredictable: always know what to expect from the weather so you can make the most out of the big day.

Don’t forget the sunset

Sunset is the golden hour to take wonderful photos. If you know what time the sun will set, then you can make yourself available for the photographer instead of just cutting the cake. You can find out exactly when the sunset is with the Sunrise Sunset Times app. Making sure you have enough daylight is important for the day.

Arrange event lighting

Now, this is one of the most forgotten elements not just in weddings but for all events. Lighting is very important as it helps you set the mood. You might have a very pleasant venue with luxurious designs but if you don’t have the proper lighting to highlight them then it is no use.

Choosing an event lighting coordinator may be difficult since there are a lot of them on the market. Choose a company that can help you bring out the best for your once in a lifetime event, like Lighting Hire London.

Assign a photo wrangler

You might have hired a photographer but he or she will not know who the most important people in your life are, so you must assign someone to drag your family members for you. They can be your brother, sister or closest friend.

Having the right family organiser is key. You can take the stress away by introducing your wrangler to Picniic – Family Organizer. The app lets them stay on top of everything and get everyone together. You can set the to-do list, meal planner, family calendar and more

Establish a “Do Not Play List” for your DJ

You might have written down your father and daughter song and the songs for the cocktail hours but you can also write down a do not play list for the DJ. This may include songs of your exes; you don’t want a newlywed fight after the reception, right?

Prepare the weddings signs

Aside from the wedding invitation, make sure that you prepare the wedding signage. From the seating arrangement to the gift table signs, make sure that you have them ready.

Do not forget the vendor meals

Remember that you have the MC, the band and other crews to think about so make sure that you prepare meals for them.

Eat and drink

Most brides and grooms forget to eat. So please don’t. You need to have enough energy for the whole event, so make sure that you are well hydrated too.

If you don’t follow the wedding planning process, then you will surely miss a lot of things. Start by writing down the necessities and break them down to what you want to do by yourself and what can be assigned to others. And one last thing, don’t forget to enjoy this special day.


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