Hit Me! Indie App Developer Doubles Down

Hit Me! Indie App Developer Doubles Down


imageIt’s no secret that app developers are the rock stars of the burgeoning tech space. Who would have thought 20 years ago that “sexy” and “software developer” could coexist in the same sentence? These are interesting times, indeed.

Angry Birds, Candy Crush, and Flappy Bird, to name a few, have become household names and and have made millionaires out of these app development groups. This is an age where successful app companies have the capital to go public and have budgets to snag prime time television ads. I’d like to note that while I’m writing this, I hear two “Flappy Bird” conversations taking place right now on opposite sides of the office.

We all hear about successful apps that take off and spread like wildfire; but what about the millions of independent developers with great products that don’t get any real traction?

Naman Singhal, 26 year old entrepreneur, is not your typical indie developer. After spending time in the U.S., Naman moved to New Delhi to create iAppStreet Software, hiring top notch developers and designers who shared his vision. For Naman, this isn’t a second job or a side project; he doubled down on his venture and has been successful in beating the odds.


In late 2013, Naman’s Blackjack Multiplayer app caught the attention of Entrepreneur Magazine’s TrepLabs program, an incubator and showcase for talented app developers. The TrepLabs team identified Naman’s entrepreneurial spirit and were impressed with the quality apps he and his team produced. Since then, exposure of the app and Naman’s portfolio has grown significantly, and Blackjack Multiplayer has rapidly become a true contender in the competitive casino and card genre.

As part of iAppStreet’s agreement with TrepLabs, all developers who are selected for the program commit to continually improving their app’s performance and feature additions, ensuring higher ranking potential and relevance in the space.

Check out Blackjack Multiplayer for FREE on iTunes now, and take a look at Naman’s featured article on Entrepreneur.com.


You can take a look at the other four developers selected by TrepLabs at TrepLabs.com. And hey, if you’re a developer, you can submit your app to TrepLabs here.



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