Great way to keep your Contacts updated is with the HomePage App

Great way to keep your Contacts updated is with the HomePage App


How often do you find yourself telling people, one by one that your contacts have changed? It gets a bit tedious having to either call or message your contacts to tell them your telephone number or social media accounts have changed. Surely there must be an easier way to let them know. Well with the HomePage app you can change your number, your email, your job, your social media accounts and seamlessly stay connected through it all.

HomePage allows you to update your personal information in the Homepage cloud. Your friends family and colleagues will have the update in real-time. So no need to worry about the important people losing your contact.

HomePage works by generating a QR code which can be shared like a business card, but digitally. Should any of your information change, you can just update it within the app and everyone will get the update. There are two groups in the app, they are ‘Contacts’ and ‘Connections’. The ‘Contacts’ group have only access to your email and phone number. The ‘Connections’ group have access to all the information you entered and can also view your photos and videos you post on your ‘Wall’. The Wall is where you share personal stuff such as your day to day life. Just like a social media built-in but you choose just who to share with.

HomePage Features:

Contacts Manager

– Connect instantly using your unique QR Code on your MyCard.

– Consolidate contacts from across your contact lists and networks.

– Instantly update contact info.

– Share contacts across social networks.

– Contacts can see your email address and phone number.


– Share contacts across social networks.

– Your Connections can see your email, phone number and social media links.

– Connections can view photos and videos you post on your Wall.

Text Messenger

– All in one messenger for your contacts.

– Flag, Star and delete conversations from your phone and the recipient’s phone.


– Networking made simple.

– Add contacts or connections to share what matters with who matters.

– Business networking for colleagues, alumni, realtors, veterans, classmates and more.

– Share images and posts on your Wall to easily connect with your network.

HomePage offers a great way to stay connected and makes keeping your contacts updated much easier. You can also share life moments with the most important people in your life.

HomePage is available to download on the App Store and Google Play.


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