Faster and More Efficient Internet Marketing with These 6 iPad Apps

Faster and More Efficient Internet Marketing with These 6 iPad Apps



Digital marketing is the primary medium for advertising and brand exposure today. The average marketer is on the move and is not always siting behind a desk on a computer managing marketing tasks. Tablets like the iPad are the number one tool at a modern marketer’s disposal because it is easy to carry around. More importantly, it has a number of apps that can make the marketing professional’s life easier.

What will these apps do?

The question to ask here is what you need in order to become a more efficient marketer who consistently gets better results. Here are some answers:

  • Ways to be up to date with the latest news in your business domain
  • Tools to help create and modify digital marketing media on the go
  • Ability to save and share files securely with fellow professionals
  • Analytics to help measure the progress of various marketing tools

Obviously, there is no one app that will do it all for you, so here are some iPad apps that will make you a more productive and efficient internet marketing professional.



This app is a single place where you can manage all your social media accounts including Facebook, twitter and LinkedIn. With Hootsuite, you can:

  • Post media to any social network easily
  • Stay up to date with posts and tweets from important people

There are many social media management apps for the iPad, but none of them are as simple to use as Hootsuite.




If you want to follow webinars and remote conferences, then GoToMeeting is by far the easiest way to do so. It helps you:

  • View any number of webinars while traveling
  • Host conferences with multiple locations
  • Work remotely with fellow professionals

GoToMeeting is best used as a collaboration tool among professionals located in different countries.



If you are new to marketing, you might be wondering what blogging software is doing in a list of marketing apps. However,

  • Blogs are a very big marketing medium for businesses
  • Managing multiple blogs is a very tedious job

The WordPress app for iPad makes it very easy for you to write and edit posts from any of your accounts. You may not want to do your entire blogging on the iPad, but for times when you are away from the desk and don’t want to use a laptop, this app is a real time saver.

Analytics Pro


Analytics Pro

The way every marketing professional measures his success is by the numbers and what better way to crunch numbers and monitor your results than with analytics. Analytics Pro is an advanced tool that will help you:

  • View the metrics for all your websites in a single place
  • Identify your weak points immediately
  • Give you real time data about marketing ROI and site traffic

For busy marketing professionals, who make many decisions every day, Analytics Pro can save time by making sense of all the information and statistics about your websites.

SEM calculator


SEM calculator

If your job is to identify the cost of various aspects of a marketing campaign including CPC, PPC, search engine banners and others, the SEM calculators is your best friend. It lets you:

  • Calculate how much you need to spend on SEM based on market trends
  • What is the best CPC for your particular campaign and how much you can invest in it with reasonable ROI
  • How many emails you need to send every month and what it will cost you

It has a few more different calculators, all of which will let you calculate the costs of parts of your marketing. SEM calculator is invaluable when you want to see the result of your campaign so far and want to decide on a further direction.




If you are a programmer who codes up marketing pages and landing pages, Textastic will make your job much easier. It is a text editor that will recognize code in more than 50 different languages. Although you won’t spend hours coding on your iPad, Textastic makes it easier to get started and make modifications on the go.

If you do not use an iPad for your marketing, then these tools alone might give you reason enough to buy one, so you can get better at marketing and generate greater results.

About the Author –

Bruce Jones, a digital marketing specialist with experience in content-based outreach. He works with and really appreciates quality content.


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