Cost Factors in Developing an App

Cost Factors in Developing an App



Wondering how much it costs to develop an app? The answer is complicated, as it depends on several factors, including the type of app you want to create. Let’s check out some of these cost factors in developing an app to help you determine the best course for your idea:

App Type

Any app is generally going to cost thousands of dollars to develop. How many thousands varies greatly according to app type. For example, a “static” app is one that simply displays evergreen information, or information that never changes, such as eBook applications. Such apps can cost “as little” as $1,000 to build.

A “data-driven” app features a database on the device itself, connects with a remote database, or connects its database from assorted sources, such as outside sources. Weather apps are a great example of data-driven apps. Because these apps are often complex, they can cost tens of thousands of dollars to develop.

Game apps are the most expensive to build, as they frequently include highly-detailed graphics, game theories and scenarios, point scoring, and more. Cost is usually between tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of dollars depending on complexity.


Implementing additional options in your app, such as in-app purchasing, sharing capabilities, and web services can cost some $500 to $5,000 per option.

Development and Marketing

Working with an app development team will cost you more money, however it’s worth the investment when considering coding, design, prototype, and marketing services among others. Utilizing the skills of a professional app design team saves hours spent toiling over coding, assuming you understand that aspect of app development! Marketing your app on your own also gets expensive fast, however your chosen development company will likely include marketing in your quote.

Apps may not be “super cheap” to create, but when successful pay for themselves in proverbial spades.

To learn more about app design and development, please contact Zapporoo today.


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