BanksyApp: More Boring than Watching Banksy’s Paint Dry

BanksyApp: More Boring than Watching Banksy’s Paint Dry


Banksy-Locations iPhone App Review

Hot damn, Banksy has an app. Well actually someone has unofficially used brand Banksy and created a fairly dire location service for his artwork.

The main problem with the app stems from the fact that unfortunately a number of the artwork featured on the app is actually displayed in the incorrect location. Worst still, some of the artwork no longer even exists! So what’s the point in it?

Admittedly the idea is half decent, especially for tourists wanting a throwaway guide without the otherwise necessary web print offs. However the fact that the information is incorrect in the first place totally throws the point of the app into question. Some poor bugger is going to buy a train ticket and travel to some ungodly area of London only to discover the graffiti isn’t even there!

If the app can’t accurately fulfill its primary purpose, what’s the point in it? Why is it so expensive? And why does the app description say, “Grab this app at this limited introductory price”? How expensive can the developers honestly make this when it’s riddled with errors?

So let’s cut straight to the chase. No one in there right mind would or should honestly pay £1.49 to buy this app. Not because you can already retrieve the images and videos straight from the Internet already, but because the information and locations are incorrect and outdated.

Oh and not that it partially matters, but it crashes like nobody’s business.



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