Apple’s Education Event: Doubles Down On IBooks, E-text Books Coming Soon, Name...

Apple’s Education Event: Doubles Down On IBooks, E-text Books Coming Soon, Name Your Price For Publishers


Apple had an education event today and it had a huge emphasis on the IBooks platform. Announced today were dozens of new E-Text Books for different academic levels and the reading experience is pretty different from what we’ve seen up until now. Also announced was an updated version of ITunes-U and the ability for text-book publishers to name their own price on the book store in exchange for exclusivity. Something tells me this power play will pay off, and we’ll be seeing a lot more IPads around campus. Unfortunately, Mac owners will have to jump on the IOS bandwagon if they want to lighten their backpacks but hey a new IPad is right around the corner right? More pictures after the jump:



  1. […] Earlier this week, Apple had a big education based announcement. In it Apple showed off IBooks 2, its new education based platform that featured E-textbooks. Now apple isn’t the first company to offer digital textbooks, Amazon has and still does offer digital textbooks that are designed for use primarily on the computer. The big difference here was that these textbooks were designed from the ground up for use on the IPad and were far more than just words on a page. These new textbooks featured a brillant high resolution presentation and even rich media such as video embedded in the page. This new textbooks platform made for some pretty exciting information, but is this really the future of education or is this more about a long term business strategy? […]


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