8 Ways to Get Productive With Your Computer

8 Ways to Get Productive With Your Computer


Let’s face it, most of us limit our uses for a computer to silly things like using social media (a smartphone can do this!) and boring things like work. Very few of us use our computers for creative reasons or productive uses outside of perhaps playing video games. So to give you some advice, here are 8 ways to get productive with your computer.

Photo: Pexels

Learn online

Almost anything can be learned online if you’re willing to put the effort in. Check out learning websites such as https://www.coursera.org if you want to learn a new skill. Be it learning to create software or read statistics, there are a wealth of skills to be picked up on the internet.

Produce music

Ever wanted to create your own music? Well now you can! With a cheap computer, a keyboard, a mouse and a guide like https://buzzharmony.com/ultimate-guide-music-production/, you can start making your own music from scratch with absolutely no musical knowledge. It’s fun, easy to learn and a great way to express your creativity.

Make art

Every computer is equipped with a program like paint, but if you want to step up your digital art, then consider getting a free program such as https://krita.org/en/ to create beautiful paintings and drawings. You can use a top rated gaming mouse, but it’s preferred to use a graphics tablet instead.

Start a blog

There are countless ways to start an online blog. You can visit websites like WordPress to start one for free, or you could create your own website and post articles about anything you want.

Edit videos

Assuming you have a subject to focus on, you can easily start a YouTube career be it for fun or even profit. Your videos don’t have to be professional edited; using something simple such as Window Movie Maker or even YouTube’s own cloud editor are good enough.

Upload photos

If you want to keep your photos for a long time, then you may want to consider uploading them to the cloud. Check out this article from http://www.techradar.com/ if you want a quick comparison of all the cloud storage websites available. Once they’re stored in the cloud, it’ll be easy to save them, view them and keep them safe from hardware failures.

Remove junk

The first thing you should do if you find that your computer is running slowly is to head over to Speedcheck.org to check your internet speed. If that’s not the root cause of your slow loading times, the next thing you’ll want to check is your junk. Everyone’s computer is filled with junk. Be it old games and programs you don’t need or video files that you can find on the internet instead. Get rid of all these junk items by simply deleting them from your computer and emptying the recycle bin. It will help your computer run faster and you won’t need to buy extra storage space for your files.

Learn a language

Going on holiday soon and want to learn a few phrases? Do you want to learn a new language to impress a friend or family member? Learning a language is simple with the help of the internet. All it takes is a little research to find the best language courses, and some of them are even free.


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