7 Fast and Fun Games on Your Smartphone

7 Fast and Fun Games on Your Smartphone


Guitar_Hero_World_Tour (1)

Hey there, app fans! Today, we’re going to present you with seven fast and fun games for your smartphone. You lucky things, you. Some of you may be hankering for challenging games, yet for plenty of other gamers it is much more important to find games online and on mobile devices that are just going to offer them a fun and relaxing time, avoiding the more complicated ones that make you tear your hair out. Some people are going to want free roulette games online, while other people are going to want an experience that has much lower risk stakes, which will make everything that much more pleasant for them and those around them (especially those with an aversion to hair pulling!).

But first, let’s take a little look at the reasons why you need to be careful choosing exactly which games take up place on your homescreen. Choosing a new set of games can be a gamble. For one thing, you’re are going to need to make sure that they have space on their mobile devices for those gams in the first place. You’re also going to need to devote a certain amount of time and energy to learning how to play the games, and it is often going to be better if those games were among the seven fast and fun games on your mobile phone that we’re telling you about today. Some of you are going to want to make more of a pragmatic use of the games that you play on your mobile phones, which explains the popularity of casino games in the first place. For example, there is a huge amount of appeal in being able to enjoy free roulette games online, especially for the people who do end up succeeding and winning in the end.

Whatever your particular favourite is, hopefully we’ve recommended something that you haven’t come across before.

What the Doodle Lite

If you’ve never played Pictionary on your smartphone, What the Doodle Lite is the sort of game that will open new horizons of gaming, all from the palm of your hand.

Doodle Jump

Another game with similar graphics is Doodle Jump, which is just as much fun for the mobile phone users who are interested in another very relaxed, casual gaming experience. It really captures the imagination, and it might encourage you to dream up fantasies that they could create with the characters while doodling.

Pocket Empires Online

Pocket Empires Online is a game that is going to feel similar to Civilization in some ways, which is going to be a major selling point for many people…or it would be if this game actually cost any money.

Magic Gem Lite

Here’s one for anyone who really loved Bejeweled, only this game is much more fun and casual, so chill out and while away a few hours on this cool little puzzler.

Guitar Hero World Tour

Guitar Hero World Tour manages to take the huge institution that is Guitar Hero and place it in a completely different context that is more crowd-pleasing than a Keith Richards riff…well, almost.

Colorix HD

Colorix HD is a game that is going to appeal to each fans of Tetris – however, this iteration of the addictive time-killer has graphics that blow Tetris out of the water.

Line Rider

This feels like an adventure that people might have had in their dreams or given to their characters when they were making a crazy etch-a-sketch; basically, everyone’s going to bring something of themselves to this game, which is all part of its charm.

So, here are the seven fast and fun games that should satisfy gamers that may otherwise shy away from free games that look a little too easy to be worth anyone’s while. Of course, they’ll also satisfy the fans who really do just want fun, easy, and casual mobile games. As mentioned before, they’re also a great way to wind down after playing any of the free roulette games online at different casinos.

Did we miss any? Let us know in the comments section below!


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