Urbanspoon: A Great GPS-Based Foodie App

Urbanspoon: A Great GPS-Based Foodie App


Urbanspoon iPhone App Review

Although it’s primarily a US and Canada based app, Urbanspoon’s coverage in London is actually very impressive; because it is the king of food-locating apps, it seems as if every Londoner should equip themselves with this free restaurant guide.

My favourite feature of Urbanspoon is the ‘Shake’ element; if you can’t decide where to nosh down then just give the iPhone a quick shake and the Urbanspoon slot machine will present you with a random restaurant nearby! You can search for eateries under different variables, namely cost and food type and also where’s nearby in your ‘hood’ (I warned you that it was American…)

By ‘checking in’ to restaurants, your ‘Dineline’ is expanded, logging in where you’ve eaten and what you think of it; you can also check out what your friends’ opinions of where they’ve been are and compare notes on the best places. Considering it’s free, it’s a bit of a bargain.

To read about more great food apps, check out 10 Essential Food Apps For Londoners.


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