Pig Shot: A Fun And Entertaining Family Game

Pig Shot: A Fun And Entertaining Family Game


Pig Shot iPhone App Review

The crux of pig shot is to catapult your pig along the grass, avoiding obstacles such as sheep and hedges along the way, until you reach another catapult to continue your forward momentum. Tilting the iPhone to control your oinking character, (choose from either Maggie or Bacon!), you collect gold stars that add points to your score, as well as cabbages for gas boosts and ‘go faster’ arrows that will give you a little extra speed. As soon as you stop rolling or hit something in your way, the game is over and your score tallies up to how far you have gone and how many gold stars you have collected. Simple and fairly effective!

Pros: The graphics are really bright and engaging and the pigs are undeniably cute, as they are sent cannonballing down the grass. Plus, the fact that you can rest at each catapult means that you have time to compose yourself.

Cons: The game crashed a few times when I was loading it up; this could have something to do with my iPhone being an old 3G, but it was still very annoying!



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