7 Ultimate Kate Moss iPhone Apps

7 Ultimate Kate Moss iPhone Apps


The name Kate Moss has rarely been out of the headlines over the past decade or so, either due to controversy over her weight, risky diet advice, (“Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels,” classic!), alleged drug abuse or questionable taste in rock stars. She is, however, one of the world’s leading supermodels and it simply wouldn’t do for her to be like the rest of us mere mortals, therefore we can allow her a little drama once in a while. So, in dedication to the Queen Of The Catwalk, here are 7 essential Kate Moss iPhone apps.

1. Hipstamatic: Retro-Soaked Cool in Vintage Photographs – nullHipstamatic - Synthetic Corp

hipstamatic iphone app review
Hipstamatic allows you to choose from plenty of vintage looks for your photos

The first rule of global superstardom in the model world is that you should never be too far from a camera, particularly not one that makes every photograph you take look like an instant classic. You don’t have to be Kate Moss to look insufferably cool in the vintage, retro-drenched snaps that this app takes!

Read the full review of Hipstamatic here.

2. iSwap Faces: Hilarious Face Transformation App – nulliSwap Faces - Black Frog Industries, LLC

iswap faces iphone app review
iSwap Faces can give you the face you’ve always pictured in your dreams…or nightmares!

Some days you wake up and you just want to look like somebody else; well now you can, (in a way), with iSwap Faces! This iPhone app allows you to interchange the faces on a photograph with that of another person in the photo. So, if you are lucky enough to get a close up photograph with Kate Moss, then you can have her head on your body! (Disclaimer: We are not, repeat NOT encouraging the stalking of a celebrity. Just photoshop it from a paparazzi picture, OK?)

Read 5 Hilarious Face Transformation Apps.

3. TopShop: A Great Shopping App For The iPhone –

Topshop - Topshop

As a former ambassador for TopShop, Kate Moss launched fantastic ranges of clothes that allowed any girl off the street to glam herself up and look as cool as Kate herself, (well, almost). So, by downloading the TopShop app for your iPhone you can keep in direct contact with the shop that launched her innovative range of clothing designs and keep up to date with the latest fashions.

4. TweetDeck: The Ultimate Social Networking App – nullTweetDeck - TweetDeck, Inc

Part of the duty of being a fabulous supermodel is that you have to update your fans and followers all around the world. There’s no better app to do that than TweetDeck, an iPhone and iPad app that allows you to manage Twitter an Facebook accounts in an innovative ‘column’ stylistic set out. Next time that the tabloids want to sully your good name, get there first!

Read the full review of TweetDeck.

5. Celebrity Make Up Looks: Become Your Idol! – nullCelebrity Makeup Looks - Free Beauty Videos - Pacific Spirit Media

If you want to become the next pop icon, then you will need to borrow, (steal), from popular culture in order to create your ‘look’. Lady Gaga has made an enviable career out of this, so there’s nothing to stop you from copying the world’s most stylish celebs. There are step-by-step instructive videos inspired by the some of the world’s leading celebrities, meaning that you can wear your make up like the best of the best. (n.b. Kate Moss doesn’t actually feature in this app, but with enough strongly worded emails to the developer, we can change this!)

6. Virtual Zippo Lighter: Got A Light?! – nullVirtual Zippo® Lighter - Skyrockit

As an avid smoker, Kate Moss recently made the headlines by lighting up on the catwalk; say what you like about it, but this rock and roll attitude helps her keep her crown as Queen Of Cool. If you want to get a funny and safe, (not to mention practically useless), way of lighting up, get the Virtual Zippo Lighter that will ignite your iPhone’s screen!

Read 10 Best iPhone Apps on a Night Out.

7. Kate Moss: Addicted To Love – nullNick Moss - Kate Moss

And finally, an iPhone app that is dedicated entirely to Kate Moss herself! An unauthorized biography has hit the shelves, (or screens!), which promises to tell all about her interesting career and incredible lifestyle. Not cheap at 15 dollars, but a must for any Kate Moss fan!

For another celebrity iPhone list, check out 5 Best Charlie Sheen iPhone Apps!

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