Weddar: Why Does It Always Rain On Me?

Weddar: Why Does It Always Rain On Me?


Weddar iPad App Review
Do you need to know what the weather is like outside or anywhere else in the world for that matter then perhaps you can get to grips with this app?

Weddar is a slightly different take on reporting the weather. What you get to do after logging in is place clouds on a map which is accessible by other Weddar users. I understand the requirement for having a symbol to convey a message in a quick and simple snapshot. I don’t quite think that it makes perfect sense (other than for a branding purpose) to restrict these symbols to colour coded clouds. Say, for example, there are no clouds, why should you place a cloud on the map?

Putting this gripe to one side, you have the option of selecting from nine different Weddar Clouds, ranging from Red (for hot as hell) to Blue (for freezing). So it seems interesting you get to report on how it feels to be in the area, rather than put an actual symbol for the weather and temperature that is there.

Perhaps it’s just me, but should I wish to go on holiday or a trip a few miles away, I’d like to know how hot it will be, whether it’s sunny or raining, the chance of fog or even the time the sun will set or rise. Equally importantly, I would want to know what the high and low temperatures are likely to be. This isn’t available on all Weddar Clouds unless there’s a + symbol on it.

When it’s as vague and purely down to personal perception rather than fact, it’s leaving it too broad for it to be of any significant use. Equally, if not that many people are using Weddar and posting their clouds, you have no idea what it feels like in that area. There are only four weather conditions to add to your report (cloudy, rainy, snowy and windy).

For me, I can’t really see the real use of this app particularly as the clouds only disperse over several days, meaning it could have been hot three days ago and bitterly cold today and yet you only have the old information to go by. You are given the incentive of getting points and rankings for posting and answering requests but this isn’t necessarily enough of an attraction to get you to do it without fail. It’s just one of those nice ideas, shame about the obvious drawbacks, kind of apps I’m sorry to say.


  • Open to everyone to become a weather (or is that Weddar?) reporter
  • Simple interface
  • Quite cute
  • You can put in a Weddar request and hope someone will answer it


  • Relies on everyone updating the Weddar reports
  • Too vague and down to interpretation than a proper accurate report
  • Says nothing about the actual temperature or weather conditions unless there’s a + symbol


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