Tuesday iPhone related news roundup

Tuesday iPhone related news roundup


Apple have made an announcement today that could make big changes in the app world; a new subscription service will be available to any publisher of content-based apps on the Apple App Store.  By using the same system as News Corps’ brand new iPad digital newspaper ‘The Daily’, publishers who regularly update their apps with content, like magazines or video service apps, the publishers will have the ability to set the price and subscription length for their customers.

In other news, Apple have also hinted that the next generation of iPhone will have a bigger screen than its predecessors; the iPhone 5 may have a 4-inch screen in order to compete with other large-screen smartphones on the market.

Also in the Apple camp, it seems that Apple is bowing to the recession in the sense that they are considering making smaller, cheaper iPhones in the future, like an ‘iPhone Nano’ in the iPod Nano mould, which could be as low as $200 without a contract, compared with the average of $625 currently being spent on an iPhone.  Skinflints rejoice!


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