Trivia Crack: Face Off Against Friends And Rivals In A Trivia Showdown

Trivia Crack: Face Off Against Friends And Rivals In A Trivia Showdown



There’s nothing I enjoy more in this world than giving my family and friends a good hiding at Trivial Pursuit. Unfortunately for someone who lives on the competitive edge like I do, these opportunities are few and far between.  Also, you beat ’em hard enough, they stop wanting to play. Christmas is the only dependable window where you can be assured of a game or two (I’m priming for this season as we speak). However, training opportunities are few and far between. Then, along comes developer Etermax with their tension-filled, fiendishly addictive general knowledge goldmine, Trivia Crack. Or Trivia Craic, as I like to call it because I’m from the Emerald Isle. Incidentally, if anyone from Etermax is reading this and thinking of targeting the Irish market, get in touch, we can discuss title patents.

Trivia Crack is already big business Stateside. And we mean Big. The back-story of this app is fascinating. Created by indie-developer Etermax and released in 2013, the app quickly conquered its native Latin America, and went on to dominate the US and Canada in 2014. It now has 60 million users, worldwide, with 500,000 downloads per day, its own range of merchandise and, unbelievably, its own TV show, which all serve to heighten my inferiority complex when I stack up this mere 450 word review against that more-than-impressive track record.

But anyway, we’ll press on. What’s the big idea? In essence, Trivia Crack is a head to head battle of general knowledge. As one of the 60 million, you have the choice to play against one of your virtual friends, which the app assimilates from your Facebook profile, or against a random player, one of the other 59.9 million. You then spin a wheel which contains six category options; History, Sports, Geography, Science, Art and Entertainment. You’re given a question from the corresponding category. Get it right, you spin again. Get it wrong and the turn passes to your opponent. They then have up to two days to answer it, and so on and so on. The game concludes when one of you collects the six little characters which represent each category, called ‘crowns’.

I’ll say this with absolute certainty; Trivia Crack is hopelessly addicitive. I’ve gone back to it three times during the writing of this review. I’m just playing a series of matches against people I don’t know, and I want them beaten and humiliated. I can’t imagine how much better this gets going head to head with your friends, especially the ones that need taking down a peg or two. The game features over 100,000 questions, with new ones being added everyday, so no danger of the thing ever getting repetitive. You can even submit your own. If you like addictive trivia, general knowledge, or simply want to savour that feeling of superiority that comes from victory over friends, family or indeed a complete stranger, you’d do well to check out Trivia Crack. It’s great craic!

Test your wits by heading to the iTunes store to get your hands on Trivia Crack for free today.


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