Thursday’s News Round Up: All Hail The iPad 2!

Thursday’s News Round Up: All Hail The iPad 2!


So, it’s finally here…last night’s iPad 2 event had tech-fans around the world chomping at the bit as Steve Jobs delivered its keynote speech, which can now be streamed online; form an orderly queue.

Apple have launched FaceTime for the iPad 2 to be used with its two new built-in cameras, allowing you to make video calls to other Apple users. If you want to check out the differences between the new and old iPad’s, click here.

The Brits are catching up with their rivals across the pond in terms of the technology stakes, as the BBC iPlayer app goes international for less than $10 per month…would you pay 10 bucks to see the latest episode of Eastenders on your iPad?

And finally, Hollywood’s favourite Loony Tune Charlie Sheen has set a new world record, (and no, it’s not for how much coke he has inhaled off a hooker’s thigh or how many times he has run around the block pretending to be an F-14), he has set a Guinness World Record for the ‘Fastest Time to Reach 1 Million Followers on Twitter’.  Maybe he ain’t so crazy….


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