Puzzler Codewords: Can You Crack The Code? (Sponsored)

Puzzler Codewords: Can You Crack The Code? (Sponsored)


Puzzler Codewords iPhone App Review
In ‘A Beautiful Mind’, Russell Crowe played a troubled genius that was enlisted by the US Military to crack mathematical codes in order to give them one up on their enemies. I’m not saying that I’m anywhere near genius-level (although I’d like to think that I’d be smart enough not to mock an Oscar when it’s given to me…), but after a few games on Puzzler Codewords, I’m addicted to puzzles!

This interesting new app promises hours of entertainment to anyone with even the slightest inclination towards cracking word codes; essentially, the app provides you with a wide selection of puzzles that range from easy to hard and allow the user to enter letters into the crossword layout on screen.


Fill in those blanks!

As with many of the Puzzler apps, Codewords offers helpful suggestions along the way, including revealing hidden single letters, checking the entire grid for mistakes and revealing 5 random letters on the puzzle.

What I really like about the app is that you have a ‘Notes’ facility that allows you to keep ideas for possible letters as a reminder for future words; this saves you from wasting reams and reams of paper with your nonsensical scribbles!


This simple yet very effective puzzle game stands out amongst the rest due to its easy-to-use interface and seemingly infinite amount of games; a real winner!


  • I like that fact that you can save your puzzles and continue them at a later date as it makes it easier to complete them when taking public transport…stop, start, stop, start, change bus, etc…
  • I feel that my vocabulary has grown since using this app as it’s reminded me of even some of the more prosaic words that I like to use as synonyms to more standard lexis.

Room For Improvement

I’d like to see some longer words in the update!

Sponsored App Feature: This is a sponsored app. Every week we do one sponsored app feature where we put a new app to test and ask our contributors to comment about it.


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