Photopod: Leave No Photo Behind

Photopod: Leave No Photo Behind


Photopod iPhone App Review

If you enjoy taking photos on your iPhone and uploading them to social networks (c’mon, who doesn’t?) then Photopod may just be the perfect app for you. No, it’s not another Instagram. There are no filters to be found in this app. Photopod is a photo aggregator. It’s your entire photo library in your pocket. It collects all your photos from various social networks and stores them in a single place for easy access. Instead of opening multiple apps to view all your photos, now you just have to open one.

I love apps that integrate with lots of other services, and Photopod doesn’t disappoint. It currently supports Facebook, TwitPic, Picasa, Tumblr, Flickr, and Dropbox. Once you’ve connected with your accounts, all of your photos are accessible on the main page (they throw in your camera roll for good measure). Photos may be edited with some basic editing features (crop and rotate), downloaded to your phone for offline viewing, or uploaded to any of your connected services. You can even upload multiple photos at the same time by clicking on the share button in the upper right corner.

Even if the idea of having all your photos in one app doesn’t appeal to you, the sharing feature alone is enough of a reason to download it. In just a few clicks, you can send any of your photos to all your favorite social networks. And by allowing you to move photos from one place to another, Photopod is basically breaking down the barriers between different social networks. You can take all your Facebook photos, and send them to Flickr. Or take all your Picasa photos, and send them to Tumblr. And any photo taken with your iPhone can be immediately shared with all your friends all over the web.

While Photopod has become my default photo viewer, there’s still one more thing that needs to be done before it becomes the ultimate photo aggregator: add more services. Evernote, Instagram, Path, Pinterest, these are just a few that can be added. More services equals more photos. More photos equals more ultimate. Regardless, the guys over at Dear Future Astronaut have really done a terrific job. Photopod truly rocks, and I can’t see it being replaced anytime soon. Oh, and did I mention that it’s free?


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