Official Highway Code Brings Road Safety To Your iPhone (Sponsored)

Official Highway Code Brings Road Safety To Your iPhone (Sponsored)


Official Highway Code iPhone App Review

There’s always that debate over whether the best drivers pass first time, or second time. I passed second time. That settles it then… However, I would have preferred to save the cash spent on extra lessons by learning my highway code and if iPhones had been around 8 years ago, then this app could have saved me a packet.

Check those mirrors!

The only official Highway Code app brings all of the latest rules of the road to your fingertips; its aim is to make it easier and more fun for road users to keep up to date with the rules of the road. A lot of the Highway Code’s content has changed markedly since its launch in 1931; for example, mirrors were not even mentioned in the first edition and drivers were advised to sound their horn when overtaking! That does not sound like a fun way to drive…

When asked about the iPhone app, Transport Secretary Justine Greening said,
“With more and more of us using smartphones and other devices it’s vital that products like the Highway Code adapt to be as accessible as possible.”

Learn your signs…

The app is split up into separate sections, with one in which you read and search the complete contents of The Official Highway Code, being able to track your progress as you read, and check what you’ve learnt with a quick test at the end of each section. The pictures and diagrams are very useful, serving as a visual learning aid. You can also take Highway Code and traffic sign quizzes, which are a fun way to ensure that your knowledge is up-to-date and relevant to current laws of the road. My favourite features are the extras such as a stopping distance calculator, metric convertor and videos that play through potential scenarios on the road.


This is a really useful app for anyone who is learning to drive or just wants to brush up on their driving skills; it has an easy-to-use interface and bright, clear instructions on how to optimize the app.


  • The step-by-step guidelines are well laid out and easy to follow.
  • Being able to test yourself at the end of each section shows how much you are learning as you go.

Room For Improvement

A simulated driving experience using the iPhone’s accelerometer and tilt function would be amazing!

Sponsored App Feature: This is a sponsored app. Every week we do one sponsored app feature where we put a new app to test and ask our contributors to comment about it.


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