Mage Fight: I Put A Spell On You

Mage Fight: I Put A Spell On You



Wizards are cool. There’s no getting around that fact. There’s something about the spells, the wands, the cloaks and incantations that we just can’t resist. As cool as they are however, they’ve been tainted slightly by Harry Potter and his Tedious Ilk, as well as a number of other pre-pubescent wand-waving fools. So, in much the same way red is the new black, mage is the new wizard (hip subscribers of the Final Fantasy series have know this for years of course). Developer Yumasoft are introducing the mage to the masses with their new fantasy based tile-matching game Mage Fight. It’s free, it’s out now for iOS, and it’s full of furious mages salivating for battle.

Mage Fight is a kind of Candy Crush Saga dressed up in epic garments. It certainly takes its cues from the traditional tile-matching games that started with the ever popular Tetris, but, by pitting you against a powerful magical enemy, Mage Fight raises the stakes somewhat. So the first thing to note is that the game looks and sounds excellent. With a title like Mage Fight, I was hoping for some sumptuous, imaginative interface, and thankfully I was not disappointed.

You play as a kind of cat/humanoid thing who’s job it is to explore the strange, dangerous continent he finds himself in and become the strongest mage of all time. Not that it explicitly underlines that last part, I just assume that’s what he wants. Along the way, you engage in mortal combat with any number of bad bastards in cloaks, as well as several dastardly cretins such as the Banshee and Gnoll, all who want to defeat you while going about their beastly business. The character designs are cool and suitably fantastical; what’s clear here is that the development team has put a lot of time and thought into their product. The sweeping score brings a lot of atmosphere to the game too.

The play is fast and tense; the addition of the enemy character swiping stones from underneath your nose adds a real pressure to play. Other than that, it’s tile-match business as usual; if you enjoy these type of games, there’s no reason you will not love Mage Fight. On the other hand, if you’ve never had the pleasure of engaging in tile-puzzle-combat, this game is a great place to start, especially if you have a taste for fantasy and/or cats in blue cloaks. Give Mage Fight half a shot and it could quickly become your latest addiction.

Cast a spell at the App Store to get your paws on Mage Fight today for free!


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