Friday’s News Round Up: Mark Zuckerburg Secures His Pension Plan

Friday’s News Round Up: Mark Zuckerburg Secures His Pension Plan


Facebook has taken a massive leap in value after a new investment saw its worth jump from $50 billion to $65 billion, according to a report on CNBC.  General Atlantic have put in a bid to buy 0.1% of the company, meaning that the former Facebook employees that sell their shares will be having a fun summer in 2011.

Verison have been slated to cancel their unlimited iPhone data plan, according to Chief Financial Officer Fran Shammo; at a Morgan Stanley conference, Shammo said that Verison’s current unlimited data plan will not last forever, which will strike fear into the hearts of Verison’s mobile bloggers around the world…

And Apple are apparently trying to secure a deal with record companies that would allow it to offer unlimited downloads for iTunes music purchases…rock on!


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