Control all of your entertainment devices with iRemocon

Control all of your entertainment devices with iRemocon



iRemocon, winner of the 2014 Home Theater Grand Prix Golden Award, brings the future to the present with their voice recognition device. The iRemocon works in conjunction with a smartphone or table app bringing you a beautiful universal remote which also works with many other household devices. With a paid subscription service users can also control their appliances and devices outside of the home.


Voice Recognition (in and out of the home)

One device to control your lights, DVD players, speakers, AC, TV, alarm clocks, security cameras and

projector screens

Control with Smartphone or Tablet

Stylish looks; fully customizable

Simple drag and drop features

Set your devices to a timer with the included timer function

Simple set up


While the app is free, you must purchase the iRemocon device which sells for $180 on Amazon

In order to fully take control of the television portion of the device, one should have cable. For those

who rely on streaming through devices, this is nothing more than a voice activated remote.

Operation outside of the home is an extra charge as well as the GPS feature.

Wi-Fi router required


The look at feel of the iRemocon app is beautiful and sleek. The program has a few preinstalled choices to pick from. It was relatively easy to install and set up. The website, the app and the companies YouTube channel explain the process in a simple manner. We had no problems getting it up and running. Plug in a few cords; connect to your network, update your setting and you can begin.

Be the envy of all your friends when you walk in your home and tell your devices to turn on. Makes an owner feel rather sophisticated and high tech. When people see the remote on your Smartphone or tablet, they’ll ask what it is. They’ll be amazed at this piece of modern technology. While it’s meant for those with cable television in order to take full advantage of the television aspect, the app and device will work on other components. We were still able to control our television, despite lack of cable and using streaming services instead.


Apple –

Google –

Amazon –

You Tube –

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Chrystal Mahan
Author of Easy Accounting for the Self-Employed and owner of the website Self Employed Writer, Chrystal has been working from home for over 10 years. She is currently working on her Masters of Business. Her blog, More to Life than Chocolate, shares the ups and downs of being self-employed.


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