Best Burgers London: Do You Want Fries With That?

Best Burgers London: Do You Want Fries With That?

Best Burgers London iPhone App Review
Yes. Oh God, yes…

This one isn’t going to win over any health-conscious foodies, but for any Londoner who loves to feel the sweet trickle of meat juice down their chin as they tuck into a tasty burger, well, this app is pretty much essential.

You can tell that true food lovers have created this app, seeing as every venue that it directs you to is given a detailed description and, more importantly, a good rundown of the burger that is supplied. You can rate each burger on a five-star system and navigate yourself around the town based on the ratings of other users.

What I really love about this app is that you can contact the makers and let them know of new discoveries in the burger world by tweeting them at @BestSandwich.

Mmm hmmm! That’s a tasty burger…

(Editor’s note: My personal favourite burger in London is the duck and foie gras burger at Club Gascon; although I know that I’ll spend eternity in Hell for my brazen lack of ethics, it’s so insanely delicious that it’s just about worth it!)

To read about more great food apps, check out 10 Essential Food Apps For Londoners.



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