Animoto: The Ultimate Slideshow iPhone App

Animoto: The Ultimate Slideshow iPhone App


Animoto iPhone App Review

Do you remember the pre-computer days when families would bore other families to tears with viewings of their holiday pictures using a projector? No? I must be getting old… Anyway, here’s your chance to make up for your ancestors crimes against entertainment, with Animoto, a brand new iPhone app that turns your photo library into awesome professional-quality videos that you really will want to show off to your friends!

Animoto’s premise is fairly simple, although the level of detail in its execution is stunning. Essentially, what the app does is turn a selection of your photos into a video slideshow, with a smooth slide between each frame; however, where the fun comes into play is in the editing suite. You can ‘pimp’ your video by adding text over specified photos, lay your favourite track from the music library over the entire video and try out different video styles before you reach the best one for you.

Turn your photos into videos!

The preview function is really useful for those people who want to ‘try before they show’, as you can still edit the master copy after you have tested it out, in order to iron out any little glitches or mistakes. As with many free apps, it does feature a paid upgrade; however, this one really is worth taking as it allows you to get unlimited full-length videos of all of your photos.

The real boon of Animoto is that it saves the hassle of sharing multiple photographs with your friends; if you are at a gig or on a night out and you want to be the envy of all of your buddies, rather than texting or emailing with multiple attachments, you can simply send a link to the video in one message. All in all, a bit of a winner really, and as it’s free, you can’t really go wrong.


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