X-Plane for iPad: Fantastic Flying Game

X-Plane for iPad: Fantastic Flying Game


X-Plane iPad App Review

Laminar Research’s X-Plane needs no introduction, and when the iPad hit the market way back in 2010, they released an amazing version to compliment Apple’s device. I have always had a bit of an interest in flying so I was intrigued to try the app; I had tried it before on a mac and was impressed. Over time, X-Plane for iPad has become my most loved app.

There are almost fifty planes, helicopters, gliders, fighters all shapes and sizes and you can even land on the moon or fly a shuttle. The current version as around twenty maps to practice on and in addition cloud levels, wind, storms, and various other factors can be adjusted to add more reality to your flights. The graphics are great, and Laminar have been pushing out regular updates to perfect the app before adding on more planes and features. I’ve spend hours taking off, planning what airports to fly to and attempting landings (not all successful) or just chasing an enemy in an F14D. There are so many options, it’s almost like online roulette…but much less scary!

The app is so responsive and shows the power of the 3D technology used to simulate terrains and aircraft flight. I only wish it would be updated to embrace the power of the iPad 2, perhaps with some graphic enhancements and additional features. However, this does not take anything away from how it currently runs. If you fancy flying over Austrian mountains or gliding over the Grand Canyon after a hard day at the office, you will find this app is great for relaxing. I have a very eager flight enthusiast in my family and they are addicted to this app despite spending years using similar simulators on personal computers. It is very accurate and well-written using vector graphics whilst using the iPad’s accelerometer to control your flight. I could ramble all day about this app, but I will urge you to go buy it- update it when new updates are added and enjoy the beauty of the flying machine!


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