Sudoko Seasons: Love Is In The Air!

Sudoko Seasons: Love Is In The Air!


Sudoko Seasons iPad App Review

Pros: The app puts a love twist of the classic game of Sudoku, making it fun and appealing for the love season. Users have the option to play with numbers, like in the original game or play with love icons to add some sparkle into your game play. The app provides a range of levels to challenge users and also includes peer-to-peer network play. Users can find their friends or opponents via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, which is a great feature of the app. The app also lets users create a postcard to send out to their loved ones, which suits the theme of love perfectly!

Cons: The app has a greater appeal to female users, with its sparkles and heavy use of pink, which limits its appeal factor. It is also so specific to the theme of love or Christmas, which lends itself well to the festive season but is not versatile enough to meet other themes or topics. Perhaps this is an area that could be updated, so it includes a wider range of themes.



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