Ninja Fishing: Did Somebody Order Sushi?

Ninja Fishing: Did Somebody Order Sushi?


Ninja Fishing: Did Somebody Order Sushi?

If you’ve always tended to find fishing the sport of the really dull then you could be in for a really big surprise by playing Ninja Sushi.

What you must do is cast your line and plunge as far as you can to then haul every fish you possibly can (focusing on the bigger catches) back to the surface where you then must unleash a frenzy of sword strikes to carve your catch up and be rewarded with cash which you can then use to buy upgrades.

OK, I admit this doesn’t probably sound all that different from many of the other fishing games (apart from the sword slashing bit). But it does definitely start behaving more like classic games should – adding a variety of fishes which give you more to play for and several obstacles to work around. For example, if you’re skilled enough to get down as far as possible with the line you have, you stand a chance of getting hold of a chest which is full of booty – but to get there you must avoid hitting a fish as it will automatically start reeling your line in.

Once you have reeled all your fish in, you must be skilful with your slicing action. A decisive blow will result in more money (bigger fish take more than one strike) but you must be careful not to hit the dynamite as it will undo all your hard efforts so far and cause your game to end prematurely!

Overall this game is highly addictive and will appeal to young and old gamers alike. The easy controls of tilting the device to move the line from side to side and the touch screen responds well to drilling and slashing. In brief this is a really good find on the app store and one that should certainly be added to your collection.


  • Loads of fish to catch
  • Good graphics and entertaining quips from the ninja
  • Extremely addictive


  • A little repetitive
  • Still may not persuade all anti-fishing gamers to play

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