How To Send Full Resolution Photos through Email on Your iPhone

How To Send Full Resolution Photos through Email on Your iPhone


How To: Send Full Resolution Photos through Email on Your iPhone

So, you’re about town and you see a hilarious picture of a lad who has clearly been out all night, (or all week), completely asleep whilst standing against the side of a building, (I actually saw this, just so, so funny).

Obviously your first thought isn’t to help him or call the authorities, but to email a photo of him to your friends. However, if you do this the normal way, by clicking ‘Share’ on the photo and selecting the ‘Email Photo’ button which will attach the photo to a new email, then you will actually send a scaled down photo at a lower resolution than what it is supposed to be. There is a way around this, in order to capture the poor lad’s face in all its slumbering glory. Tap and hold the photo until the ‘Copy’ button appears, enabling you to copy the photo; then go and compose a new email and tap and hold the content section and ‘Paste’ the Photo into the email which will then be in full resolution. In order to send multiple full resolution photos via email, select ‘Share’ on your camera roll and select as many photos as you like, before copying them and pasting them into a new email…there are however, as I found out, only so many angles that you can take of an upright passed out young man.


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