Fleksy: A Revolutionary Way Of Typing On the iPhone

Fleksy: A Revolutionary Way Of Typing On the iPhone


Fleksy iPhone App Review

LL Cool J famously rapped, “I can’t live without my radio.” The same could be said these days about our iPhones. As amazing as our iPhones and all the apps are, we are constantly looking for the newest next greatest thing that our Iphone can do for us. Well, Fleksy is that latest and greatest enhancement for your iPhone. The biggest complaint I hear from people is as much as they love their iPhone they still find it very difficult to type on it. A lot of you have even gone to carrying around a bluetooth keyboard to help with those lengthy emails and detailed Facebook postings. Great news, as Fleksy will allow you to ditch that bluetooth keyboard. Fleksy was just released in the App Store last week; I was fortunate enough to be part of the beta test for this amazing app. Fleksy is designed for people with visual impairments, but anyone who has difficulty typing on the iPhone’s touch screen will find this app invaluable. Fleksy will double most people’s typing speed on the iPhone. If you have difficulty seeing the iPhone’s screen, find yourself always typing the letter next to the one you meant to type, or have big fingers, than Fleksy is the app for you.

while some of you might be thinking, why do I need to pay for a typing app, I can just dictate to Siri. as great as Siri is, it doesn’t always work, and more importantly, it is nice to be able to send a message when you are out and about without the entire world hearing what you are sending. So how does it work?

Fleksy is designed to work with voice over which is already preinstalled on every iPhone. You will toggle voice over on and off with a triple click of the home button. You do this to switch between the typing mode and the menu mode. If you are like me and know the position of all the keys on a standard keyboard than typing on a touch screen can be quite annoying as it really slows you down. And the problem with siri and other dictation programs is a lot of the time it misunderstands what you are saying.

The amazing thing about Fleksy is all you have to do to type is touch and swipe. That’s right it is that simple. Fleksy uses an advanced algorithm and deduces the word you are attempting to spell depending where you touched on a standard Qwerty keyboard. After spelling a word, just swipe right and the word is announced.. It is amazing how accurate the app is if you know how to spell. Though sometimes you are off a letter, and it announces a wrong word, when that is the case, all you have to do is swipe down and Fleksy announces the words closest to where you have touched. If you hear the word you want you just swipe right and continue on typing. Unfortunately, we don’t live in a perfect world, and computers are even less perfect so some times it will not recognize the word you are typing. When that is the case all you have to do is swipe left and it delete the entire word you are typing so you can start again.

On the traditional iPhone keyboard you would have to take the time to hit the delete key several times to delete every character. Also sometimes Fleksy may not recognize the word you are typing if this is the case, just slow down make sure you are spelling the word you want correctly than just flick up once to select it. There are also some nice shortcuts built in to Fleksy swipe twice to the right and it inserts a period, if you want a comma or question mark, etc just swipe up or down to choose what you want.

Fleksy iPhone App Review

After typing the message you want you can than again triple click the home button and swipe to the right to access the main menu. You are than presented with the choices to email, text message, tweet, or copy the text where you can than go and paste in to another app. .

Up until now, I have loved my iPhone and all the amazing apps that help me in my daily life, but absolutely hated typing on the iPhone. Well, thanks to Fleksy that is no longer the case!


  1. This sounds really interesting. My main problem with the iPhone’s typing system is the sneaky auto correct, not so much hitting the wrong keys.

  2. Having small fingers, I can’t say typing is a problem for me but would give this app a try just to check for time saving purposes.

  3. I’ve pretty much gotten used to typing on the iPhone. Had this app been around when I got my iPhone…


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