Facts about Industrial Robots

Facts about Industrial Robots


Industrial robots can be traced back to efforts of automation made by the ancient Greeks and Romans. In the early years robots were mainly used for entertainment purposes with many fictional writers experiencing success because of writing about robots. The widespread documentation of robots served to popularize the use of industrial robots for automation of warehouses and the manufacturing sector.

The word industrial robot comes from a Czech word ‘robota’ which simply means labor and they are machines which are used to execute tasks that were traditionally done by humans, either independently or while controlled by remotes. Read on to find out more about industrial robots.

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What do robots do?

The modern application of industrial robots has been extended to many sectors such as food packaging, medicine and science, space exploration and even construction. Some kind of tasks especially the ones that are repetitive and tedious are best executed by robots instead of human labor. Most robots in use are mainly used to do tasks that are considered dangerous and might cause fatal harm to the humans. Robotic technology has proven to be useful to people who have lost arms and legs as they aid them to get back into normal functioning. Robots are also ideal during military operations to detect and diffuse bombs and saving human lives in the process.

Why should you use industrial robots?

Many manufacturers are opting for automation by use of robots as they tend to be much cheaper compared to acquiring human labor to do the same amount of work. Some tasks that involve extreme temperatures or dangerous environments such as exploring an active volcanoes or looking inside gas tasks can only be accomplished by robots.

Industrial robots are also best used in execution of tasks that involve doing of the same thing over and over again. Robots are designed in a way that makes them best suited for such tasks as they don’t get tired or bored. Industrial robots are also more accurate than humans making them more cost effective than humans as the mistakes and hazards which can increase the operational level are maintained at minimal level.

Parts of a robot

Robots are made up of different types of materials which are determined by the sector which it is intended for use. Most industrial robot manufacturers make robots which are composed of these major parts;


  • Sensors


Sensors allow the robot to interact with the environment by enabling it to determine the size, shape and distance of objects that are in their field of view. This enables them to accurately pick up objects with the amount of pressure required to not damage them. Sensors also enable robots to prevent a hazardous situation of them colliding into objects or human workers.

  • Mechanical parts



Mechanical parts include the wheels, grippers, motors and gears which enable the industrial robot to move around, grab and lift parts as well as in the turning process.

  • Controls



This is the brain of the industrial robot that is programmed to tell what the robot to do. The program gives the moving parts of the robot to detailed commands on what task to execute.

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Limitation of using robots

The use of industrial robots for the automation of your business operation can give you a lot of benefits. However you should be ready to experience some limitations as despite the fact that the robots can work autonomously, they require initial programming which might require one to hire an expert. The fact that they can’t think for themselves limits them only to the information that is fed in them.

Acquisition and installation of robots can tend to be expensive as the initial investment required is high. They also require additional infrastructure in the work place for them to function appropriately. Some internal resistance might also be experienced from employees who feel that they are prone to risking their jobs because of the introduction of industrial robots.


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