Exciting Ways Technology Will Change the Future of Logistics

Exciting Ways Technology Will Change the Future of Logistics


The logistics and transport industries are set for interesting changes in the coming years, as technology revolutionises daily processes. Already many logistics firms can offer advanced services such as time-specific delivery slots and tracked deliveries, but with further advancements in technology these are set to further improve. These are some of the fascinating ways that technology is beginning to affect logistics and delivery companies such as Tuffnells, giving a glimpse of what the future could have in store.

Parcel Tracking

For customers, tracking technology has made it possible for consumers to follow the process of their deliveries from leaving a warehouse or distribution centre to arrival at its destination. Through a mixture of barcodes, scanning and automated processes, customers can now view where parcels are and receive a notification when it reaches its destination to pick it up immediately.

GPS has played a big part in improving tracking services as well as providing transport and logistics companies with other useful data. For example, the latest GPS systems can inform drivers of traffic jams up ahead, providing them with the quickest, updated route to help avoid as many late deliveries as possible.

Drone Delivery

Drone delivery has already been tested by ecommerce giant Amazon, but making it a widely available service could take a few more years. Firstly, they need to get clearance from the right authorities to allow drones to fly through the air given all the risks this poses. Then there will be security issues regarding the products being carried.

Still, drone delivery seems to be the next big step the industry is poised for, mainly for small and fast deliveries. There is still plenty of work on noise reduction and fully streamlining the service, but with a claimed successful test under their belts, drone deliveries are closer than ever before.

Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) uses sensors and network communications to connect machines and devices to the internet and each other. In the logistics industry this is mainly used for transport, as they can communicate data including fuel levels, the speed of delivery vans, any problems with the vehicle and more.

The likes of temperature and vibration can be measured, which can prove useful for transporting delicate items, and be delivered to shippers and receivers. This in turn can help logistics companies improve their performance.

Logistics businesses look set for a few exciting changes in the near and far future thanks to developments in technology, which could make the world even more convenient for consumers.


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