My Best Apps

My Best Apps

Interview with Paul Boag about his iPad experience

To celebrate the launch of our new blog, we are starting a monthly iPad interview series with an interview with Paul Boag. Paul runs...

I find the world has conspired against me

In my own, perhaps biased opinion, I'm a pretty normal person with some pretty normal demands. I like to keep in contact with my...

Will’s top five apps

A newcomer to the iPhone fold, I cradled my first Apple product back in April last year, a 13” Macbook Pro. I’d love to...

Ary enjoys her new trivia game

One month down, I still love my iPhone and I’m still experimenting with it. The number of apps is so enormous that I feel...

iPhone and bathroom memories

MY TOP 5 APPS. About 4 weeks ago I dropped my iphone down the toilet in a reckless pee and text combination that went horribly...

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