All Roads Lead To McDonald’s

All Roads Lead To McDonald’s


GPS Navigation 2 iPhone App Review

Question: Where are we all going with our GPS Navigation 2 app?

Answer: McDonald’s apparently!

Skobbler, the developers of the leading satellite navigation app ‘GPS Navigation 2’ have compiled evidence from their destination search statistics and found that most drivers are in fact looking for their nearest McDonald’s for a bite to eat!

The data was analysed from May to July 2012 and was specifically focusing on the most visited and searched for locations to find food, petrol, accommodation and a coffee stop. Well, we Brits do love our ‘cuppa’!

The results were astounding with drivers firstly searching for a petrol station and secondly searching for McDonald’s! This suggests drivers need to stock up on their fuel, to fulfil their eating habits!

Fast food stops ranked high in the search data, as KFC was the next searched for destination, followed by Burger King, Nando’s and Pizza Hut. Surprisingly, these searches were higher than those of Starbucks!

Marcus Thielking, the co-founder of Skobbler expressed “The results suggest that aside from fuel, food is the most important thing on our mind whilst on the road, with three out of the top four searches being food related”

Drivers also seem to be searching for supermarkets, with Tesco being the most popular, along with train stations, airports, shopping and restaurants (food again!).

The most unusual search items included tattoo and sex shops, the sea and kebabs!

Food for thought: It’s good to know we are all heading in the same direction!

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Yiota Orphanides
Yiota Marie is iPhoneAppCafe's App Submission's Editor and also works as a freelance writer for a range of fashion and travel websites, including, where she is Editor and Lead Writer. Educated to Post Graduate Degree level, she has a keen interest in all areas of fashion, reading and writing poetry.


  1. Skobbler has very few naive clients, because their apps are full of bugs and constantly crashing. Try Waze or some top quality free apps. Skobbler apps are not worth it


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