4 Apps Keeping Sports Fans Seriously Appy

4 Apps Keeping Sports Fans Seriously Appy


There has never been a better time for a sports fan to be alive. It’s 2017, and that means it doesn’t matter where you are or what time it is, so long as you have a snazzy iPhone (or even a not so snazzy iPhone) there is an app that can feed your sports craving no matter what that craving may be.

The latest news, schedules, predictions, odds, statistics or whatever it is you are after in the minutes of silence while you pop off to the loo, the information is out there no matter what sort of fan you are, or what sport you are a fan of.

Read on to see our list of the must-have apps for every sports fan:

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When it comes to getting the most up-to-date scores, statistics, and updates, there is no better app to have than theScore. It has everything, and it delivers everything in a gorgeously easy to use interface. But it isn’t just about statistics, results, upcoming fixtures league tables and things of that ilk. Oh no. You get the chance to personalize the app to your wants and needs by choosing your team’s, allowing you to get play-by-play breakdowns, player ratings, and notifications that affect your passions and your passions alone.

Thuuz Sports

The worst thing about being a sports fan is missing the action, especially the big games. It does something to our wellness. It’s weird. Well, that’s way Thuuz Sports has excelled and burst away from the pack because it will prevent you from ever missing another game. How? Well, as a user, you can look up what games are coming and then see where you can watch the big game. It could be on cable, sure, but it will also tell you which sports bar near you is showing it on the big screen. Yeehaw. Oh, and if that isn’t enough, it also gives you an excitement rating based on the online buzz surrounding that game so you’ll know if it really is must-see.

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It doesn’t matter who you support, what sport it is or what division they play in, every sports fan will tell you that nothing beats being there, in the stadium, amongst it all. Well, SeatGeek is the smoothest way to get tickets to literally thousands of events. Want tickets for the AFL, no problem. Want to choose where you are sat, that’s fine. Need to know the price, well, SeatGeek color coordinates everything and then displays it on an interactive map. And if that isn’t enough, it stores your ticket on the app – good for you and good for the world. Woohoo.  

Sports Live Stream

Not everyone is into football, footy, baseball, rugby and all those things. That is the beauty of sport. A lot of people have passions and loves that spread way wider than that. Yeah, we’re talking tennis, volleyball, handball and all sorts of weird but awesome sports. That is what makes Sports Live Stream the top streaming app for sports fans; it loves niches as much as the big dogs, and it shows this by offering up-to-the-second updates on everything. It embraces everything and delivers it right to your phone. Bingo.


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