10 Ultimate iPhone 5 Cases

10 Ultimate iPhone 5 Cases


With the arrival of the new iPhone 5 comes a fresh concern to all Apple fans; how are we going to protect our beautiful, shiny new device? We all know that Apple isn’t exactly brilliant at making crack-proof screens and that just one drunken spill or unfortunate drop can lead to a spider’s web of splintering emanating throughout the front of our beloved iPhone. We’ve scoured the web and compiled a list of the best iPhone 5 cases that will help protect your device from bumps, slips, drops and scratches.

1. Griffin Survivor

This may be the best choice for the more paranoid of iPhone owners, as its polycarbonate frame is wrapped in tough, shock-absorbing silicone and it is designed to protect the iPhone 5 from dirt, sand, rain, shock, vibration…well, pretty mch anything that you can throw at it. It boasts a rigid, integrated screen protector and it is actually tested to meet the same standards the U.S. Department of Defense uses for its military equipment…like I said, if you are at all worried about damaging your iPhone, this will be the best fifty bucks that you ever spent. You can utilise its removable belt clip and choose from any of 15 different colour combinations including, yep, you guessed it, two camouflage designs.

griffin survivor iphone 5 case


  • You could pretty much use it as a football.


  • It is not going to attract that many members of the opposite sex…unless they’re really into military stuff, in which case, good luck!

Price: $49.99
Link: Griffin’s Survivor

2. Boxwave Keyboard Buddy Apple iPhone 5 Case – Backlit Edition

At the other end of the brains vs. brawn spectrum, this Boxwave case may not offer your iPhone the best protection but it certainly posits you as the most technical person in the train carriage when you whip out this slide-out Bluetooth QWERTY hardware keyboard and start iMessaging away to your heart’s content. With five rows of raised, backlit keys that actually click down when pressed (imagine that?!), you fingers can flutter as fast as they can, giving your thumbs a well-deserved rest; plus, it pretty much doubles the size of your device, giving you the whole screen to look at. With a two-week battery life, this keyboard case is one for the constantly-texting/emailing generation.

Boxwave Keyboard Buddy Apple iPhone 5 Case


  • Leave your laptop at home.


  • Is it too geeky? But is it, really? I can’t decide!

Price: $89.95
Link: Keyboard Buddy

3. iPhone 5 Leather Case and Wallet

This case matches neither the robust hardiness of the Griffin Survivor, neither the technical wizardry of the Boxwave Keyboard Buddy, however, what it lacks in toughness and impressive functionality, it more than makes up for with its luxurious style. A distressed leather case offers a slot for your iPhone as well as a slot in which you can put credit or business cards, with a cash slot (the type that folds, not jingles) underneath. What I like about this case is that you can slide the iPhone out and hold it in all of its glory (because who really prefers the feel of a case to the sleek feel of the iPhone’s original casing?), before popping it back in for safe keeping. You can also secure the case with a snap button to make sure that nothing valuable falls out as you’re swaggering around town.

iPhone 5 leather case jacket


  • It’s suave, spelt S-E-X-Y.


If you get your wallet nicked, you lose everything, spelt E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G.

Price: $69
Link: Etsy Leather Case and Wallet

4. Belkin Ease-Fit Armband

With apps such as Runkeeper Pro, personal trainers must have been struggling for work over the past 5 years as everyone started using their iPhones as their workout buddies; the Belkin Ease-Fit Armband secures your iPhone 5 to your arm while you run, climb, skip, lift or hide behind the machines hoping that no one sees you adjusting the weights to a child’s level (just me?). Don’t worry about it getting too stinky; it’s made from water-resistant material to protect it from sweat but you can always hand wash it every now and again. If you want a key pocket attached to the case, shell out an extra ten bucks and get an Ease-Fit Plus instead.

Belkin easy fit armband


  • You can strap your iPhone to your arm.


  • Your iPhone will be strapped to your arm.

Price: $19.99
Link: Belkin’s Ease-Fit Armband

5. X-Doria Kick Case

Why should iPads get all the laidback cool of a kickstand? Don’t they know that we can stream movies too (provided that we all remember our glasses and peer closely at the screen…)? For anyone who finds holding their iPhone just too much to handle, this smooth little number provides the ultimate relief with a cute little kick stand built in to its base. You can prop your phone securely in both portrait and landscape view, with a rubber grip on the bottom of the case to lodge the device in place.

Doria Kick Case iPhone App Review


  • It’s your own mini-cinema


  • It really is mini.

Price: $29.99
Link: X-Doria Kick Case

6. Griffin Dapper Sleeve, by Otis James

Oh, hipsters, are you out there? Thought so. Feast your hungry eyes on this hand-sewn iPhone 5 sleeve that Otis James has created just for you. Sure, it won’t protect your device from any really heavy bumps or drops into puddles, but who’ll be even venturing outside once you’ve got your iPhone wrapped in this bad boy? You’ll be chauffeured from underground bar to nightclub to supermodels’ bedrooms once the ‘in crowd’ see you sporting this sleeve; with four plaid patterns to pick from, each with a pocket for cash and cards (and said supermodels’ addresses…like you need them!), Otis has even sewn his signature into the front of your special sleeve. Need we say more?

Griffin Dapper Sleeve


  • It really is super slick, with an organic hemp-cotton lining that will keep your iPhone smooth and sleek.


  • If the cool kids find out where you got it and flood the ‘trendy market’ with them, you’ll be back at square one, experimenting with adventurous ways to wear your hat.

Price: $75
Link: Griffin Dapper Sleeve

7. Grove Bamboo Case

For anyone who thought that Bamboo was just something that a panda eats before shooting off and leaving, think again; the Grove iPhone 5 case is milled from a solid block of sustainable bamboo which is then sanded and oiled to perfection. As well as keeping your carbon footprint at an all-time low, your iPhone 5 will be secure in this stylish and surprisingly tough bamboo case. You can also get a pattern or picture laser-engraved on the case, or even a custom design to really make it your own.

Grove Bamboo Case


  • You’ll be the coolest eco-warrior in the universe.


  • If you go to the zoo, stay away from any hungry pandas. Seriously.

Price: Starting at $39
Link: Grove iPhone 5 Case

8. Dicota Slim Cover

Everybody is cooing over the iPhone 5’s incredibly slim design, so it seems a shame to go and bulk it up with a chunky case; the Dicota Slim Cover clocks in at a miniscule 0.88 mm in thickness, meaning that it’ll give your device the protection it needs whilst staying fairly true to how God, or Apple, intended it.


  • So slim you’ll barely feel it’s there.


So slim, you’ll worry about how much protection it may offer on a big drop.

Price: TBC (but fairly cheap, lower than the ten bucks mark, we reckon…)
Link: Dicota Slim Cover

9. Platinum Series – Kickstand Case With Holster

Calling all cowboys, this one’s for you. Made from a polycarbonate plastic material that really is incredibly durable, this case’s main draw is its magnetic kickstand that allows for hands-free viewing as long as you have a secure surface. A felt-lined holster will give you the easy access that you need if you’re going to be quick on the draw…1, 2, 3, BRRRRIIIINNNGGG!!

Price: $39.99
Link: Platinum Series – Kickstand Case With Holster

10. Han Solo Carbonite Case

We just had to put this one in. For any Star Wars fan, and even those who have yet to be converted, this case allows you to carry Han Solo around in your pocket, with his frozen imprint encasing your iPhone 5. The case itself is fairly solid as it is made from durable plastic and aluminium, but just be careful when getting it out when you’re around SW fanatics…those guys will stop at nothing to increase their memorabilia collections.

Price: $11.99
Link: Han Solo Carbonite Case

Got any tips for us regarding the new iPhone 5? Feel free to post your comments below!


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