10 Apps You Just Know Darth Vader Has On His iPhone

10 Apps You Just Know Darth Vader Has On His iPhone


10 Apps You Just Know Darth Vader Has On His iPhone

He may live in a galaxy far, far away, but even the Dark Lord of the Sith needs a cell phone. It’s no surprise that Steve Jobs’ iPhone Empire would stretch to the far reaches of space. We’re not sure what carrier he’s using, but we’re pretty confident that the Bad Guy Formerly Known as Anakin Skywalker rules with a lightsaber in one hand and an iPhone 4S in the other. Besides checking his email and tweeting about crushing the Rebel Alliance, here are Darth Vader’s 10 favorite iPhone apps:

Star Wars iPhone App Review

1. Star Wars: Lightsaber Duel, 99 cents Star Wars: Lightsaber Duel - THQ Inc.

With no worthy opponents to challenge, Vader can at least force his grunts to install this lightsaber-battling app and get some practice in. Link up with a friend via Bluetooth and battle it out with a choice of 15 of the most popular lightsaber wielders in the galaxy. Swing your iPhone around for realistic sound effects and even play your own tunes in the background.

2. Daily Yoga Free Daily Yoga FREE - Daniel Miller

When you’re running a galactic empire, you just know there’s a boatload of stress involved. There’s nothing like some yoga to calm the nerves. This free app offers various popular yoga positions with descriptive videos to show you exactly how to do each pose.

3. Where’s Mommy? $1.99 Where's Mommy? - Pitashi! Mobile Imagination.

Sometimes it’s just really, really hard to let go when you lose somebody special. And there’s nothing like losing a mother. While this matching game is really targeted at toddlers, it’ll appeal to the inner child in all of us. Yes, even a Sith Lord.

4. iBlueprint, 99 cents iBlueprint - Local Slacks

That Death Star’s not going to build itself! Download this interactive construction management app and you can create and export all sorts of custom floor plans for any size structure. This app is very useful for homebuyers to gauge the true layout of a home in terms of buying new furniture; it also allows general contractors the ability to easily create and share detailed blueprints.

5. Ancestry, Free Ancestry - Ancestry.com

“Who’s your daddy?” no longer has to remain an unanswered question, or a big reveal in the final part of a trilogy. With this slick and simple-to-use genealogy app, you can quickly create your own family tree and even tap into Ancestry.com’s large userbase to dig deeper into your family’s history.

6. Infinite Flight, $4.99 Infinite Flight - Flight Simulator - Flying Development Studio LLC

Not that he really needs the lessons, but it’s always good to keep your flying skills sharp. And just in case his TIE-Fighter’s in the shop, Darth can whip out his iPhone and get a few trial runs in. This robust flight simulator app offers 14 airplanes, 2 regions, introductory flight lessons, realistic flight model, autopilot, 5 camera modes and more.

7. 123Robot, Free 123Robot - Jesse L Spiro

Once a droid builder, always a droid builder. Anni would’ve loved this robot-building app when he was stuck working for that slave driver Watto. Heck even adults like Darth will enjoy its simplicity. Mix and match robot parts on a blueprint, then “build” the robot and control it with a remote.

8. How to Pick Up Women, 99 cents How to Pick Up Women - Offshore

It’s really tough to find a good hayfield to roll around in when you’re out in space. And it’s equally tough to put the moves on a galactic gal when half your body’s made of wires and tubes. Thankfully, this informational app can supposedly turn a bookworm into a total player.

9. AsthmaMD, Free AsthmaMD - Mobile Breeze

This free medical app helps you keep track of your asthma attacks so you can have better control in the future. Set up a profile and continually enter data like your peak flow, symptoms, medications and even triggers. There’s a diary section for taking notes and all sorts of colorful graphs to chart your progress.

10. Angry Birds Space, 99 cents Angry Birds Space - Rovio Mobile Ltd.

Everybody, and we mean everybody, is loving the newest edition of the breakout-hit Angry Birds. This time they’re in space where there’s gravity and stuff. Any space-travelling tyrant would love crushing the evil green pig regime… and taking over himself.

Andrew Kardon is a freelance writer who’s written about everything from the Muppets to online shopping. He’s also the president and co-founder of JoeShopping.com, the friendliest coupons and deals site on the web.



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