WSOP Real Money Poker games and Poker tournaments on iPhone

WSOP Real Money Poker games and Poker tournaments on iPhone



Nothing quite gets the heart racing like the World Series of Poker, an app to earn and win real money online from one of the biggest names in the business. WSOP requires no deposit and the player need only sign up to see a free $10 chit in their account. There are a number of Texas Hold ’em cash games you can play to help build up any further winnings.

The real money can only be won in the state of New Jersey. What you will like is the convenience of playing low stake poker games when you are sat in the back of a car, lazing around on your sofa at home or sipping coffee at a local café.

Safety and security online are always important and you do get the feeling that the developers have gone to great lengths to ensure a safe and secure online experience. Your accumulated funds are safe and you will get the feeling they are secure, regardless of how much cash you’ll have accumulated on your account.

Online poker games are regulated by the New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement. This app is under scrutiny, so you feel safe and secure when playing. You will need to be over 21 to play and present in the state of New Jersey. But it does not matter if you are not a permanent resident in the state as online poker with real money is available to all – providing you are over 21.

If poker is not really your bag, try playing the casino reels, like little red riding hood slots. There is also online Black Jack games to play where real money is available – but only if you are in New Jersey. The fact that the real cash is only limited to New Jersey does somewhat limit the availability of this game to a worldwide playing audience.

The app does offer a phone line should you have any gambling issues or problems. But don’t expect help on the number about winning real money: the rules are clear – the real money is only possible in the state of New Jersey. has been an authority in poker, Texas Hold Em, Black Jack and Casino Reels for many years. Before the website was even formed the developer was hosting big casinos in New Jersey, so there is a great deal of experience from Caesars Entertainment in this industry.


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