Textkraft Pocket: The Swiss Army Knife Of Writing Tools

Textkraft Pocket: The Swiss Army Knife Of Writing Tools



Do you ever find yourself scurrying around in desperate search of a pen or scrap of paper? And when that invariably fails or backfires when you unknowingly deface an important letter or bill, you turn to the notes section of your phone. Only that’s clogged up with a series of numbers and scribblings that literally mean nothing to anyone, or else are so coded they’re rendered indecipherable. If that describes you, as it did me, you could do with checking out Textkraft Pocket, an incredibly practical and useful app that will keep all your notes, musings and writing assignments in line. It’s a seriously dense piece of kit and it’s out now on iOS.

Essentially, Textkraft Pocket is a professional document reader and writing app combined into one handy package. It’s compatible with the iPhone and for those of you ahead of the curve, the Apple Watch. Whether you need information or you need to jot down a few ideas, Textkraft Pocket allows you to be rapidly productive at any hour of the day. ‘Sure’, you might be thinking, ‘but there’s a hundred and one apps that can do that. Dropbox, for example.’ Well, not so fast. There’s one special feature about this app that puts it ahead of other competitors in the same field.

You can access all your documents instantly, side by side, within an easy to use interface. That means there’s no download times, giving you immediate access to anything you care to store on your phone or watch. Everything from Office files to PDFs are fair game for Textkraft Pocket, and the intuitive layout makes it easy to quickly locate the file you’re looking for. I can’t count the amount of times I’ve been left waiting on Dropbox or Google Drive to deliver me one of my files; with Textkraft, that very specific form of New Age tension is eliminated. And if you’re worried about security, don’t be; Textkraft uses local storage, and doesn’t force you to use a cloud if you don’t want to.

This app is seriously the Swiss Army knife of writing tools. The list of things it can do is staggering and suffice to say, it can keep and manipulate all your files any which way you can think of. When it comes to writing and editing, the app is no less impressive. Some of the cooler features available include the ability to dictate into your iPhone or watch and watch your words be transcribed to real text, and the unlimited ‘Undo’ and ‘Repeat’ options, the absence of which has been the bane of many a late night Word session. Add PDF creation into the mix, as well as eighteen extended offline-ready dictionaries, and you have an app that’s essential not only for writers, but also anyone who writes things down. Everyone, in that case.

Jot down to the App Store and get your hands on Textkraft Pocket today!


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