Super Crate Box: Addictive Box Collecting

Super Crate Box: Addictive Box Collecting


Super Crate Box iPhone App Review

Your controls: left and right arrows, jump and shoot. Your aim: collect creates scattered about the screen to unlock characters, game modes and of course your high score! This game is quirky, charming and incredibly hard to put down.

The whole aim of the game is to collect crates, as you go about your business doing this you are under constant attack from various sized monsters falling from the top of the screen. This gives the game a great retro, almost ‘Donkey Kong’ feel. Each time you collect a crate, within it is a new weapon for you to use against the monsters. Here’s where it gets fun/frustrating! Some weapons are great, killing monsters dead with one shot, others are difficult to use, especially the disc thrower, which when used usually ends in accidentally chopping yourself in half.

The array of unlockable characters really adds to this game, I’m currently playing as a crocodile who has a very similar sneaky walk to Muskrat from Deputy Dawg. (Intentional?) There’s even a Meatboy!!!


The controls are slick and very impressive and each round you play is so fast-paced and hectic that it’s very difficult to put down. There is great unlockable content to keep you coming back.


This may be just because I’m not very good at the game, but unlocking SFMT modes on all the levels seems to be impossible! (Doesn’t stop me trying though!)

There is a great sense of community about this game, as the developers have decided that once a certain amount of create are collected there will be an update as a reward. This is a fantastic idea as each game you play is helping to work towards more content for everyone.



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