Snoozerr Recordings: iPhone to Dictaphone

Snoozerr Recordings: iPhone to Dictaphone


Snoozerr Recordings iPhone App Review
Beautiful design meets great functionality and a truly unique offering. The Snoozerr Recordings app offers an incredible experience, and is certainly something every student should consider.

The app allows the user to record a lecture just like a Dictaphone. You’re able to store these on your phone or share using the inbuilt sharing emailing option.

Although the developer could have simply left this as a Dictaphone app; it’s far more than that.

Making use of the iPhone’s camera, you’re able to take shots of whatever slideshow or image you’re being shown. This image is this timestamped to enable you to match the audio with the image.

This app is perfect for student’s that arrive at a lecture a little… worse for wear – you know, if you have flu or a nasty cough.

It saves you from the awkward task of getting a lecturer to repeat what they have already said, and even helps if you didn’t absorb all the information thrown at you in one sitting.

Pros: Share with friends

The app makes it incredibly easy to share both audio and visual notes at the press of a button. You could even email it to yourself to make your life even easier.

Life Saver

Students will be students, and this app will help to ensure great grades for those willing to spend under a £1 to nab a fantastic app.

Cons: Nothing that helps improves grades at the cost of £0.69 will ever have any downsides.


The app has been designed with a snazzy, youthful aesthetic. Not only that, but there is next-to-no text within the app itself. Every single button is self-explanatory, which just adds bucket-loads of functionality to the app.
This app deserves a solid 5 stars, and have we ever been surer. It’s not often a worthy app crops up like this, so we think you’re mad to miss it.

Students: get it. It’s going to save your rear-end.



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