SM SUPERCARS: The Cars That We See In Our Dreams

SM SUPERCARS: The Cars That We See In Our Dreams

SM SUPERCARS iPhone App Review
Whatever it is you’re driving… these are better!

When I walked outside this morning I looked upon my off white 1991 Ford laser with utter disgust. This is partly because the car itself looks like a gumboot that’s been left too close to an open fire, but mainly it’s because I’d spent the evening prior on my iPhone, browsing through the worlds most exquisite, expensive and fastest super cars with simpleMINIMAL’s latest app SM Supercars! If you’re car crazy, then this app is going to make you as dizzy with delight & at only $3.99 it’s a much cheaper than getting that same buzz from the petrol pump.

SM Supercars is what I imagine it would be like looking into the brain of Jeremy Clarkson. Only the biggest & best cars here, with a full description on each one without a single detail spared. The app contains all you’ll need to know on the cars Design and Interiors, the year & make, to the finer specs such as suspension and engine details. You are given a scrolling interactive photo album of basically every supercar you can imagine and with the touch screen technology of the iPhone/iPad it allows you to twist and turn your favorite machine in any direction you desire. This was a very cool feature as it’s probably as close as most of us will ever come to getting our hands on cars of this caliber. If there is one thing holding this app back from being a 1st place finisher, it’s that I really felt the resolution of the images could have been a lot sharper. The iPhone is capable of much higher quality images, so why not aim as high as you can go right?

That said, this application is not only brilliant for car lovers and enthusiasts alike, but it’s sure to come in handy if you happen to be one of those people that takes a back seat when blokey blokes start talking about cars & the most you can contribute to the conversation is ‘I like the blue one’. Well those days are over, with just a quick flick of the wrist you’ll have access to everything you could ever want to know about the world’s most spectacular cars right at your fingertips…unless they’re talking about 91 Ford lasers, in which case call me.


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